Update de Bard Ai y similarity with Bing Chat

In the recent update of Bard Ai we have three key components:
Allowing the user to interact in a better way and as promts to get concrete answers.

Bryan Alexander Aimara
3 min readNov 16, 2023

The following is a brief example of prompts and the accuracy of your response.


Explícame cómo genera energía un panel solar.

Eres un profesional en ingeniería y con mucha experiencia en este campo de la tecnología. Explica por favor detalladamente, paso a paso, cómo funciona esta tecnología. Empieza por el punto de partida lógico. Asegúrate de que tus explicaciones sean comprensibles. Haz analogías para transmitir una mejor comprensión. Escribe de forma concisa.

How a Solar Panel Works

Solar energy is a renewable energy source that comes from the sun’s light. Solar panels are devices that convert sunlight into electricity.

Components of a Solar Panel

A solar panel is made up of a series of solar cells. Solar cells are semiconductor devices that use the photovoltaic effect to convert light into electricity.

The Photovoltaic Effect

The photovoltaic effect is a physical phenomenon that occurs when light shines on a semiconductor material. Light is made up of particles called photons. When a photon strikes an atom of a semiconductor material, it can transfer its energy to the atom. If the energy of the photon is sufficient, it can knock an electron out of the atom.

How a Solar Panel Works

When sunlight shines on a solar cell, the photons knock electrons out of the silicon atoms in the cell. These free electrons move through the cell, creating an electric current.


To better understand how a solar panel works, we can make an analogy with a simple electrical circuit. In this circuit, we have a battery, a resistor, and a switch. When we close the switch, the electric current flows from the battery through the resistor.

The battery is similar to the solar cell. The resistor is similar to the semiconductor material. The switch is similar to the light.

When we close the switch, the electrons from the battery flow through the resistor. These free electrons move through the resistor, creating an electric current.


Solar panels are devices that convert sunlight into electricity. The photovoltaic effect is the physical phenomenon that allows this to happen.

Step-by-Step Explanation

  1. Sunlight shines on the solar cells.
  2. The photons in sunlight knock electrons out of the silicon atoms in the solar cells.
  3. The free electrons move through the solar cells, creating an electric current.
  4. The electric current can be used to power electrical devices.

Concise Explanation

Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity using the photovoltaic effect. The photons in sunlight knock electrons out of the silicon atoms in the solar cells, creating an electric current.

Additional Notes

  • The efficiency of a solar panel is the percentage of sunlight that is converted into electricity. The efficiency of solar panels can vary depending on the type of solar cell used, the quality of construction, and the amount of sunlight that the panel receives.
  • Solar panels can be used to generate electricity for a variety of purposes, including homes, businesses, and utilities.
  • Solar panels are a renewable energy source, which means that they do not produce greenhouse gases or other pollutants.

I hope this translation is helpful and accurate.

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