The world’s most amazing natural phenomenon that attract tourists every year

2 min readSep 25, 2017


Our mother Earth provides the platform for the most amazing of visual treats. From light shows to fireworks to decoration of places, nature provides it all. Thousands of tourists flock every year to get the firsthand experience of the serenity of nature. As a result, we look at the top 10 works of nature that astound visitors ever year. These are world’s most amazing natural phenomenon.

Christmas Island Crab migration

Most species have to migrate to breed and to protect themselves from the extreme weathers. That is exactly what the Christmas Island Red crabs do. The little critters make their way from the forest to the coast to lay eggs (Millions of them!). It is the beginning of the wet season which stimulates their annual migration. Actually it’s the different phases of the moon which affect their timing. The females release their eggs at the turn of the high tide during the last quarter of the moon.

Aurora Borealis

Unpredictable yet breathtaking, the Aurora Borealis or the Northern lights are the nature’s most sumptuous light shows. When the spectacle is in full flow, the sky is ablaze with a range of cosmic greens, reds and yellows. This natural phenomenon can be seen in the northernmost regions of the world including the likes of Norway, Iceland, Greenland and Alaska.

Most Auroras occur in a band known as the auroral zone. The Aurora Borealis occurs when highly charged electrons from the solar wind interact with the elements of the Earth’s atmosphere. Solar winds stream away from the Sun following lines of magnetic force generated by the Earth’s core. As the electrons enter the Ionosphere, they encounter atoms of Oxygen and Nitrogen. The color of the aurora depends on which atom has been struck and at what altitude.

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