Intuition: Your Best Friend

Aimee Q Devlin
4 min readJun 3, 2017


You think you don’t know, but you do. You’ve always known. You’ve just forgotten.

It’s now time to remember.

You know that voice inside your head that asks, “Did you lock the door when you left the house?” That’s your intuition.

I prefer to call it something else: it’s you. You are inside, waiting to be heard, forever asking questions, always shedding doubt.

You are always there, always able to connect with yourself to ask the questions — but you don’t. Sometimes you listen, other times you’re too busy, or detached, or in denial that you don’t answer the call.

Other times you listen, but talk yourself out of it. You hear the call from your heart, but your head tells you otherwise. “Don’t be silly”, “How could you know”, “You’re being irrational”. But what if irrational is exactly what you need to be? What if irrational is simply a word used those by who don’t understand?

What use is another’s opinion if the message is for you?

We can’t always explain why we do things, but hindsight is a beautiful thing. We’re able to put the pieces together after the fact, and then the reasons all fall into place.

When we prioritise others words above our own, we become troubled. When our inner voice is overshadowed by the outer voice we doubt ourselves. We wonder. We seek outside of ourselves. We value opinion over our own reality.

Why do we ask of others when we should ask of ourselves?

From a young age we are taught to seek approval from others. As we age we’re assured it’s better to stay with the herd, to hide, to put others before ourselves.

And then one day we stop.

We realise that our intuition is the most powerful force we have. It’s our navigation system. Our internal GPS. And it doesn’t need a wifi code to work. It does, however, require nurturing, much like a child who needs her endless questions answered to make sense of the world. Your intuition provides the answers to your questions — and the more you ask them, the more powerful she (you) will become.

So how to learn to use your intuition, particularly when you’ve ignored her for so long?

When you’re plugged in, she is unplugged. When she is forced to shout over the top of social media, incessant babbling, and constant busyness she gets weary. When you unplug, she plugs in and powers up.

She will speak to you in gentle ways at first. If you nurture yourself with a beautiful, long, early night’s sleep, she may greet you in the morning. She may visit you in your dreams. In your barely lucid state, she may place thoughts in your mind, or feelings in your heart. They may be distant, they may be strong — just listen. The more you listen, the more she speaks. Be still, coax her out, ask her to share herself with you. Write down what she says. At first it may not be clear, but she is just learning. Her thoughts will gain clarity over time, just as yours have.

She may also place markers within your day. Something may interrupt your concentration. It may be a bird fluttering by the window, a glance at the clock reveals the same time day after day, a number plate that means something to you, a snippet on the radio, a car horn tooting whilst you’re having a thought. Everything matters, it’s all there for your discernment.

At first you may find it challenging, without pattern, elusive. But as you listen, she begins to speak your language. She will guide you.

Slow down, my love.

Stay home today, dear.

Please take a walk in nature.

Come play with the elementals, child.

When you’re having a tussle with your day, when things aren’t working out the way they should, be still, and ask her. What does she want? What does she need? How can you assist her and how can she help you? You’re a team. You work well together. When you’re apart, the synapses misfire — the messages are there, but they don’t get through.

The Goddess is always inside. She is waiting, wishing, desiring for you to listen to her, for she is you, and you are her.

We all desire to be listened to. Remember this when you aren’t being heard. How can you listen more? Within the silence are golden threads; the juicy parts are always hidden, waiting to be found. So don’t deny her the opportunity to be heard. She needs that just as much as you do.




Aimee Q Devlin

Freedom | Online Business | Motherhood | Life Transformation | Unconventional and Out-Of-The-Box Thinker |