Diagnosis? The United States has lupus

Aimee Pugh Bernard
3 min readFeb 18, 2017


Lupus (Systemic lupus erythematosus) is a chronic autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks healthy tissue in the body. The immune system is the bodies defense system that is composed of a network of cells and organs that continually protect us from pathogens like viruses that cause the flu or colds and bacteria that cause strep throat. In lupus, something has gone wrong with the immune system and it can no longer tell the difference between healthy self tissue, like skin, and foreign pathogens, like a virus. Continual attack against self tissue leads to damage and destruction of the skin, joints and organs within the body. Lupus is chronic and eventually fatal.

Our country has lupus. Many healthy, functioning parts of our country are being attacked and dismantled by the executive branch, the governmental system meant to protect and defend the people of this country. Those in power can no longer tell the difference between the healthy parts of our country, like public education, national parks, and access to healthcare, and destructive pathogens, like greedy millionaires, power-hungry politicians and big oil. Continual attack and dismantling of protective mechanisms like the Affordable Care Act (also called Obamacare) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is destroying the health and the body of the United States.

the butterfly rash that is often a symptom of lupus

Lupus is a disease characterized by flares. There are times when the symptoms of the disease improve and lupus is in remission. At other times the symptoms worsen and lupus flares. It wreaks havoc across the body through inflammation in the joints, rashes on the skin and damage to the kidneys. Flares are often uncontrollable and go undetected. They simmer in the background until the day they erupt in a blaze of pain and inflammation. There is no cure and the treatment that dampens the autoimmune attack is temporary.

As the presidential race progressed, flares were growing and gaining momentum all across the country. The discontent that had been undetected for years was coming to the surface. People that have felt left out and unheard saw a leader in a candidate that pledged to attack status quo — drain the swamp and destroy the system that had let them all down. As promised, #45 has erupted into Washington in a blaze of fury that is equivalent to an autoimmune attack. Dismantle government. Instill fear. Attack anything and everything. Blame the media. Blame immigrants. Destroy the programs that protect us. Destroy the programs that help us. Destroy our principles. Destroy our identity. Destroy everything that makes our country strong and amazing. Above all, destroy self!

Living in the United States the last few weeks is like watching an autoimmune attack. However, in this case it is body itself (sections of the body that rocked the electoral college) that is cheering on the destruction. Destroy our brain — the education system! We don’t need it. We are smart already. Eliminate critical thinking and endorse fake news! Facts are over-rated. Why rely on facts when it is so much easier and much more entertaining to make sh*t up?! Destroy our blood — the environment! Who cares about trees, rocks, and animals when there is oil to drill and money to make. Who cares about climate change and rising temperatures. Let the polar bears learn how to swim or die trying (sadly they already are). Destroy our immune system — access to healthcare! If you can’t afford to pay your healthcare bills our government is telling us not to worry, it is super cheap to suffer and die. Destroy our ability to communicate — the media! #45 needs compliments, not fact checking and tough, thought-provoking questions. No worries, White House press conferences give us all the (FAKE) news we need.

In this new era of autoimmunity/self-destruction, how do we convince the body to stop the attack?



Aimee Pugh Bernard

immunologist. educator. science communicator. black belt martial artist. badass mom to twin humans and a pack of bulldogs.