Proctor Test for Compaction Testing in Soil: Complete Procedure, Benefits, and Buying Guide for Compaction Test Apparatus

Aimil Ltd
6 min readMay 30, 2024


Proctor Test for Compaction Testing in Soil

The Proctor Test, named after engineer R.R. Proctor, is a fundamental procedure in geotechnical engineering used to determine the optimal moisture content at which soil will achieve its maximum dry density. This test is crucial for construction projects as it ensures the soil’s stability and durability when used as a foundation material. By compacting soil to its optimum moisture content, engineers can ensure the stability and longevity of structures such as buildings, roads, and embankments.

R.R. Proctor

The Proctor Test comes in two variations: the Standard Proctor Test and the Modified Proctor Test. While both aim to determine the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content, they differ in the compactive effort applied.

  • The Standard Proctor Test is typically used for general construction projects.
  • The Modified Proctor Test is employed for projects requiring higher compaction levels, such as airports and heavy-duty pavements.

Complete the procedure for the Proctor Test:

The Proctor Test involves several steps, from sample collection to analysis.

Below is a detailed description of the procedure:

1. Sample Collection and Preparation

Sample Collection:

  • Collect a representative soil sample from the site. Ensure that the sample is large enough to perform multiple tests if needed.
  • The sample should be free from organic materials, debris, and oversized particles (larger than 19mm for Standard Proctor and 37.5mm for Modified Proctor).

Sample Preparation:

  • Dry the soil sample in an oven at 110°C until it reaches a constant weight.
  • Break down soil clumps without altering the particle size and pass the soil through a sieve to remove oversized particles.
  • Store the prepared sample in an airtight container to prevent moisture absorption.

2. Moisture Content Determination

  • Weigh a small portion of the soil sample (about 100 grams) and record the weight.
  • Dry this portion in an oven at 110°C for 24 hours or until it reaches a constant weight.
  • Weigh the dry soil and calculate the moisture content using the formula:

Moisture Content (w) = (Weight of Water ×100)/Weight of Dry Soil

3. Compaction


  • Standard Proctor Test: A 1/30 ft³ (944 cm³) mold, a 5.5 lb (2.5 kg) hammer, and a drop height of 12 inches (30.5 cm).
  • Modified Proctor Test: A 1/30 ft³ (944 cm³) mold, a 10 lb (4.54 kg) hammer, and a drop height of 18 inches (45.7 cm).


  • Mix a portion of the soil sample with water to achieve the desired initial moisture content (typically starting at around 5%).
  • Place the moist soil in the mold in three equal layers for the Standard Proctor Test (or five layers for the Modified Proctor Test).
  • Compact each layer with 25 blows from the hammer, ensuring uniform distribution.
  • After compacting the last layer, remove the collar and trim the excess soil level with the top of the mold.

4. Bulk Density and Dry Density Calculation

  • Weigh the mold with the compacted soil and record the weight.
  • Remove the soil from the mold and determine its moisture content using the previously described method.
  • Calculate the bulk density (ρ) using the formula:

Bulk Density (ρ) = Weight of Compacted Soil / Volume of Mold

Dry Density (ρd) = Bulk Density (ρ)/1+ Moisture Content (w)/100

5. Plotting and Analysis

  • Repeat the compaction process for different moisture contents, increasing in increments (e.g., 2–3%).
  • Plot the dry density against moisture content on a graph to obtain a compaction curve.
  • Identify the peak of the curve, which represents the maximum dry density and the corresponding optimum moisture content.

Example Calculation

Assume we have conducted a Standard Proctor Test and obtained the following data:

Compaction test reading

From the table, we can plot the data points and identify the maximum dry density (1.80 g/cm³) occurring at an optimum moisture content of 9%.

Benefits of Proctor Test

  • Accuracy in Design: The Proctor Test provides critical data for designing soil compaction specifications, ensuring structures have a solid foundation.
  • Improved Stability: Compaction to the optimum moisture content increases soil density, reducing settlement and increasing stability.
  • Water Infiltration Reduction: Properly compacted soil has fewer voids, decreasing water infiltration and the risk of erosion.
  • Quality Control: The test is essential for on-site quality control, ensuring that construction meets design specifications.

Flaws of Proctor Test

  • Time-Consuming: The procedure, especially when repeated for multiple moisture contents, can be time-consuming.
  • Labor-Intensive: The test requires manual effort for soil preparation, compaction, and measurement.
  • Scale Limitations: The test uses small-scale samples, which might not perfectly represent in-situ conditions.
  • Human Error: Variability in technique (e.g., inconsistent compaction) can lead to errors in results.

Working of Compaction Test Apparatus

Aimil’s Compaction Test Apparatus

The compaction test apparatus includes a mold, a compaction hammer, and a rammer. Here’s how it works:

  • Mold: A cylindrical mold used to hold the soil sample during compaction. It ensures the soil is compacted to a specific volume.
  • Compaction Hammer: A hammer of a specified weight used to compact the soil in the mold. The hammer is dropped from a specified height.
  • Rammer: A tool used to apply force to the soil in the mold. It helps to achieve the desired level of compaction.

Working Procedure:

  • Place the mold on a solid base.
  • Fill the mold with soil in layers.
  • Use the compaction hammer to compact each layer uniformly.
  • Remove the mold, and measure the soil's density.

Things to Keep in Mind While Buying Compaction Test Apparatus

  • Quality of Materials: Ensure the apparatus is made from durable and high-quality materials to withstand repeated use.
  • Accuracy: Look for apparatus that provides precise measurements and consistent results.
  • Ease of Use: The equipment should be user-friendly, with clear instructions and easy-to-handle components.
  • Compliance with Standards: Ensure the apparatus meets relevant industry standards (e.g., ASTM, AASHTO).
  • After-Sales Support: Consider the availability of technical support, maintenance services, and spare parts.
  • Cost: Balance cost with quality to get the best value for your investment.
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Note : Aimil Ltd. is one of the top manufacturers and suppliers of Civil engineering-related testing instruments in India. Aimil Ltd. is known for its quality, robustness, and precision in the industry, with over 90 years of legacy in the instrumentation industry. We have a strong lineup of instruments related to soil testing, rock testing, concrete testing, cement testing, etc.

Importance of Soil Testing Before Road Construction:

  • Foundation Stability: Ensures the soil can support the weight of the road and traffic.
  • Material Suitability: Determines if the soil is suitable for construction or if it needs stabilization.
  • Compaction Requirements: Identifies the optimal compaction

parameters to prevent road failure.


  • Sample Collection: Gather soil samples from various locations along the proposed road alignment.
  • Laboratory Testing: Perform tests such as the Proctor Test, Atterberg limits, and sieve analysis to determine soil properties.
  • Field Testing: Conduct in-situ tests like the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Cone Penetration Test (CPT) to assess soil behavior under load.
  • Analysis and Reporting: Analyze the test results and provide recommendations for soil treatment and compaction requirements.

Benefits of Soil Testing

  • Ensures Safety: Identifies potential issues that could compromise the stability of structures.
  • Cost Savings: Prevents costly repairs and rework by addressing soil issues before construction begins.
  • Improves Durability: Enhances the longevity of structures by ensuring a solid foundation.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensures compliance with local building codes and standards.


The Proctor Test is essential for soil compaction testing, providing critical data for construction projects. Despite its time-consuming nature, its benefits in ensuring soil stability and structural integrity make it indispensable. Proper soil testing before road construction ensures foundation stability and material suitability, ultimately leading to safer and more durable structures. By following precise procedures and maintaining consistent testing conditions, engineers can achieve reliable results, ensuring the longevity and safety of construction projects.

