What is Azure certification? How do you get it, and how can it help your career?

Aimore Technologies
2 min readMar 13, 2023
Azure Training in Chennai

Azure certification is a set of credentials that demonstrate expertise in Microsoft Azure, a cloud computing platform and service offered by Microsoft. These certifications are designed to validate the skills and knowledge required to design, build, deploy, and manage solutions on Azure.

There are several different Azure certification paths, each with its own set of exams and requirements. The current Azure certification paths are:

  1. Fundamentals: This path includes the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification, which is an entry-level certification that validates basic knowledge of cloud concepts and Azure services.
  2. Associate: This path includes three certifications — Azure Administrator Associate, Azure Developer Associate, and Azure Solutions Architect Associate — that validate skills in deploying, managing, and developing Azure solutions.
  3. Expert: This path includes two certifications — Azure DevOps Engineer Expert and Azure Solutions Architect Expert — that validate advanced skills in deploying, managing, and developing Azure solutions.

To obtain an Azure certification, you need to pass one or more exams that are associated with the certification path you choose. Microsoft provides online training courses and resources to help you prepare for these exams. You can also use third-party study materials, such as books and online courses, to prepare for the exams.

Obtaining an Azure certification can help your career in several ways:

  1. Demonstrates expertise: An Azure certification demonstrates to potential employers that you have the skills and knowledge required to work with Azure.
  2. Increases credibility: An Azure certification is a third-party validation of your skills, which can increase your credibility in the industry.
  3. Career advancement: An Azure certification can open up new career opportunities and lead to promotions or salary increases.
  4. Staying relevant: As cloud computing becomes more prevalent in the industry, an Azure certification can help you stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends.
  5. Community: Being a part of the Azure certification community can help you network with other professionals and stay connected to industry developments.

Azure Training in Chennai is a leading provider of AWS training. They offer up-to-date and practical training programs so that you can get certified. If you are looking for a job, or if you want to move up the ranks, then this course will be perfect for you. With Azure Training in Chennai’s certification program, your skillset will be top notch and you will be able to land the position you deserve in your career field.

In summary, Azure certification is a set of credentials that validate expertise in Microsoft Azure. Obtaining an Azure certification can help your career by demonstrating expertise, increasing credibility, leading to career advancement, staying relevant, and being a part of the Azure certification community.



Aimore Technologies

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