Top 20 Interview Questions with Answers for Power BI

Aimore Technologies
4 min readApr 12, 2023


Power BI Training in Chennai
Power BI Training in Chennai
  1. What is a Power BI template?
    Answer: A Power BI template is a file that contains a pre-configured report or dashboard, including data sources, queries, and visualizations, that can be used as a starting point for creating new reports or dashboards.
  2. How do you create a line and stacked column chart in Power BI? Answer: To create a line and stacked column chart in Power BI, you can use the Line and Stacked Column Chart visual and define the fields for the X-axis, value columns, and line series, as well as any additional fields for coloring the chart and adding labels.
  3. What is the Power BI Report Server?
    Answer: The Power BI Report Server is an on-premises solution that allows organizations to host and manage Power BI reports and dashboards on their own servers, rather than in the cloud.
  4. How do you create a matrix chart in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a matrix chart in Power BI, you can use the Matrix visual and define the fields for the rows, columns, and values, as well as any additional fields for grouping and formatting the matrix.
  5. What is a slicer in Power BI?
    Answer: A slicer in Power BI is a visual element that allows users to filter data in a report or dashboard by selecting one or more values from a list. Slicers can be used with various types of data, including text, dates, and numeric values.
  6. How do you create a geographic map in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a geographic map in Power BI, you can use the Map visual and define the fields for the location, color, and size of the data points, as well as any additional fields for grouping and labeling the map.
  7. What is the Power BI mobile app? Answer: The Power BI mobile app is a mobile application that allows users to view and interact with Power BI reports and dashboards on their mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets.
  8. How do you create a card visual in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a card visual in Power BI, you can use the Card visual and define the field for the value to be displayed, as well as any additional fields for formatting and labeling the card.
  9. What is a calculated column in Power BI?
    Answer: A calculated column in Power BI is a column in a table that is created using a formula or expression based on other columns in the table. Calculated columns can be used to perform calculations or create new data fields in a report or dashboard.
  10. How do you create a waterfall chart in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a waterfall chart in Power BI, you can use the Waterfall Chart visual and define the fields for the category axis, value column, and any additional fields for coloring and formatting the chart.
  11. What is a measure in Power BI? Answer: A measure in Power BI is a calculation based on data in a report or dashboard. Measures can be used to perform calculations, such as aggregations, percentages, or ratios, and can be created using the DAX language.
  12. How do you create a clustered bar chart in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a clustered bar chart in Power BI, you can use the Clustered Bar Chart visual and define the fields for the X-axis, value columns, and any additional fields for coloring and labeling the chart.
  13. What is a Power BI gateway?
    Answer: A Power BI gateway is a software component that allows Power BI to connect to on-premises data sources, such as databases or files, securely over the internet.
  14. How do you create a stacked column chart in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a stacked column chart in Power BI, you can use the Stacked Column Chart visual and define the fields for the X-axis, value columns, and any additional fields for coloring and labeling the chart.
  15. What is a drill-through page in Power BI?
    Answer: A drill-through page in Power BI is a report or dashboard page that is designed to be accessed from another page using a drill-through action. Drill-through pages typically provide more detailed information on a selected data point or category.
  16. How do you create a donut chart in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a donut chart in Power BI, you can use the Donut Chart visual and define the fields for the value and category, as well as any additional fields for coloring and labeling the chart.
  17. What is a Power BI template app?
    Answer: A Power BI template app is a pre-built solution that includes multiple reports and dashboards, as well as data sources, queries, and visualizations, that can be customized and deployed for use across an organization.
  18. How do you create a table visual in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a table visual in Power BI, you can use the Table visual and define the fields to be displayed in the rows and columns, as well as any additional fields for formatting and sorting the table.
  19. What is a data model in Power BI?
    Answer: A data model in Power BI is a collection of tables, columns, and relationships that define the structure of the data used in a report or dashboard. The data model is used to organize, filter, and analyze data in Power BI.
  20. How do you create a scatter chart in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a scatter chart in Power BI, you can use the Scatter Chart visual and define the fields for the X-axis, Y-axis, and size of the data points, as well as any additional fields for coloring and labeling the chart.

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