Top 20 Interview Questions with Answers for Power BI

Aimore Technologies
4 min readApr 12, 2023


Power BI Training in Chennai
Power BI Training in Chennai
  1. What is Power BI Mobile?
    Answer: Power BI Mobile is a mobile app that allows users to view and interact with Power BI reports and dashboards on their smartphones and tablets.
  2. What is Power BI Goals?
    Answer: Power BI Goals is a feature that allows users to set and track goals, such as sales targets or performance metrics, and visualize progress towards those goals using charts and dashboards.
  3. How do you create a hierarchy in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a hierarchy in Power BI, you can use the Manage Relationships feature to link related tables, and then create a new hierarchy using the fields in those tables.
  4. What is the Power BI Service API?
    Answer: The Power BI Service API is a programming interface that allows developers to automate and integrate Power BI into their own applications and workflows.
  5. What is the Power BI Desktop?
    Answer: The Power BI Desktop is a Windows application that allows users to create, design, and publish Power BI reports and dashboards.
  6. How do you create a calculated table in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a calculated table in Power BI, you can use the New Table feature and define a formula that generates the new table based on data from existing tables.
  7. What is the difference between a slicer and a filter in Power BI?
    Answer: A slicer is a visual element in Power BI that allows users to filter data by selecting one or more values, while a filter is a data element that allows users to limit the data that is displayed in a visualization.
  8. What is Power BI Goals?
    Answer: Power BI Goals is a feature that allows users to set and track goals, such as sales targets or performance metrics, and visualize progress towards those goals using charts and dashboards.
  9. How do you create a custom theme in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a custom theme in Power BI, you can use the JSON theme file format and define custom color palettes, fonts, and other design elements.
  10. What is a bookmark in Power BI?
    Answer: A bookmark in Power BI is a saved view of a report or dashboard that captures the current state of filters, slicers, and other visual elements.
  11. How do you create a drill-through in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a drill-through in Power BI, you can define a target page and create a button or other clickable visual element that links to that page. When the user clicks on the visual element, they are taken to the target page with additional details.
  12. What is Power BI Premium?
    Answer: Power BI Premium is a licensing option that provides advanced features such as larger data capacity, faster refresh rates, and the ability to share reports and dashboards with external users.
  13. How do you schedule data refresh in Power BI?
    Answer: To schedule data refresh in Power BI, you can use the Refresh Settings feature and set a refresh schedule that meets your business needs.
  14. What is Power BI Embedded?
    Answer: Power BI Embedded is a service that allows developers to embed Power BI reports and dashboards directly into their own applications and websites.
  15. How do you create a measure in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a measure in Power BI, you can use the New Measure feature and define a formula that calculates the desired result based on the data in the underlying tables.
  16. What is the difference between Power BI and Excel?
    Answer: Power BI is a business intelligence platform that provides advanced data visualization, reporting, and analysis capabilities, while Excel is a spreadsheet program that is primarily used for data entry, calculation, and analysis.
  17. How do you create a calculated column in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a calculated column in Power BI, you can use the New Column feature and define a formula that generates the new column based on data from existing columns.
  18. What is Power BI Embedded Playground? Answer: Power BI Embedded Playground is a web-based development environment that allows developers to experiment with and test the Power BI Embedded service.
  19. What is the difference between Power BI Pro and Power BI Premium? Answer: Power BI Pro is a licensing option that provides basic features such as data visualization and sharing, while Power BI Premium is a more advanced licensing option that provides additional features such as larger data capacity and faster refresh rates.
  20. How do you create a drill-down in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a drill-down in Power BI, you can use the drillthrough feature and define a target page and fields to drill into. When the user clicks on a visual element, they are taken to the target page with additional details.

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