Top 20 Interview Questions with Answers for Power BI

Aimore Technologies
3 min readApr 12, 2023


Power BI Training in Chennai
Power BI Training in Chennai
  1. What is Power BI?
    Answer: Power BI is a business analytics service that enables users to visualize and analyze data using interactive dashboards, reports, and other data visualization tools.
  2. What are the key features of Power BI?
    Answer: The key features of Power BI include data modeling, data visualization, data analysis, and data sharing.
  3. How do you connect to data sources in Power BI?
    Answer: To connect to data sources in Power BI, you can use built-in connectors, such as Excel, SharePoint, or SQL Server, or use custom connectors to connect to other data sources.
  4. What is a data model in Power BI?
    Answer: A data model is a representation of the data that Power BI uses to create visualizations and reports. It includes tables, relationships, and calculations.
  5. What is a measure in Power BI?
    Answer: A measure is a calculation that aggregates data in a table, such as a sum, average, or count. Measures are used to create metrics and KPIs.
  6. What is a calculated column in Power BI?
    Answer: A calculated column is a column in a table that is created by applying a formula to existing columns. Calculated columns are used to create new data points for analysis.
  7. What is DAX in Power BI?
    Answer: DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) is a formula language used in Power BI to create custom calculations and aggregations.
  8. How do you create a measure in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a measure in Power BI, you can use the formula bar or the Quick Measure feature.
  9. What is a visualization in Power BI?
    Answer: A visualization is a graphical representation of data in Power BI, such as a chart, table, or map.
  10. What is a dashboard in Power BI?
    Answer: A dashboard is a collection of visualizations and reports that provide a summary of key performance indicators (KPIs) for a business.
  11. What is a report in Power BI?
    Answer: A report is a collection of visualizations and other data analysis tools that are used to present and analyze data in Power BI.
  12. What is a slicer in Power BI?
    Answer: A slicer is a filtering tool in Power BI that allows users to filter data in a visualization or report by selecting a value from a list.
  13. What is a filter in Power BI? Answer: A filter is a tool in Power BI that allows users to select a subset of data to view or analyze.
  14. What is a drill-through in Power BI?
    Answer: A drill-through is a feature in Power BI that allows users to navigate from one report to another by clicking on a data point.
  15. What is a drill-down in Power BI?
    Answer: A drill-down is a feature in Power BI that allows users to view more detailed data by clicking on a data point.
  16. What is a hierarchy in Power BI?
    Answer: A hierarchy is a way of organizing data in Power BI by creating a parent-child relationship between two or more columns in a table.
  17. What is Power BI Desktop?
    Answer: Power BI Desktop is a Windows application that is used to create and publish Power BI reports and dashboards.
  18. What is Power BI Service?
    Answer: Power BI Service is a cloud-based service that is used to share and collaborate on Power BI reports and dashboards.
  19. What is the difference between Power BI Desktop and Power BI Service? Answer: Power BI Desktop is used to create reports and dashboards, while Power BI Service is used to share and collaborate on those reports and dashboards.
  20. How do you publish a report from Power BI Desktop to Power BI Service?
    Answer: To publish a report from Power BI Desktop to Power BI Service, you need to save the report as a .pbix file, sign in to Power BI Service, and then upload the file to the service. You can then publish the report to a workspace or share it with others.

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