Top 20 Interview Questions with Answers for Power BI

Aimore Technologies
4 min readApr 12, 2023


Power BI Training in Chennai
Power BI Training in Chennai
  1. What is a Power BI personal gateway?
    Answer: A Power BI personal gateway is a software component that allows individuals to connect their personal data sources to the Power BI service. Personal gateways allow for data to be refreshed and updated in real-time.
  2. How do you create a pie chart in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a pie chart in Power BI, you can use the Pie Chart visual and define the fields for the category and value columns, as well as any additional fields for coloring and labeling the chart.
  3. What is a Power BI workspace experience?
    Answer: The Power BI workspace experience is a feature that provides an improved interface for managing and collaborating on content within workspaces. The workspace experience includes features such as shared and personal workspaces, granular access control, and improved navigation.
  4. How do you create a bar chart in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a bar chart in Power BI, you can use the Bar Chart visual and define the fields for the category and value columns, as well as any additional fields for coloring and labeling the chart.
  5. What is a Power BI premium capacity?
    Answer: Power BI premium capacity is a dedicated environment for running Power BI workloads that provides enhanced performance and scalability. Premium capacity is licensed based on a capacity model and allows for larger data volumes, higher refresh rates, and more advanced features.
  6. How do you create a line chart in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a line chart in Power BI, you can use the Line Chart visual and define the fields for the category and value columns, as well as any additional fields for coloring and labeling the chart.
  7. What is a Power BI paginated report?
    Answer: A Power BI paginated report is a type of report that provides pixel-perfect formatting for printed or PDF output. Paginated reports allow for advanced formatting and layout options and can be used for invoices, statements, or other tabular data.
  8. How do you create a scatter plot in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a scatter plot in Power BI, you can use the Scatter Chart visual and define the fields for the x and y axes, as well as any additional fields for coloring and labeling the chart.
  9. What is a Power BI deployment pipeline?
    Answer: A Power BI deployment pipeline is a process for moving content between different environments such as development, testing, and production. Deployment pipelines allow for automated testing and validation of content and can be integrated with source control systems.
  10. How do you create a stacked bar chart in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a stacked bar chart in Power BI, you can use the Stacked Bar Chart visual and define the fields for the category and value columns, as well as any additional fields for coloring and labeling the chart.
  11. What is a Power BI shared dataset?
    Answer: A Power BI shared dataset is a reusable data source that can be used across multiple reports and dashboards. Shared datasets allow for consistent data definitions and refresh schedules and can be managed centrally.
  12. How do you create a clustered column chart in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a clustered column chart in Power BI, you can use the Clustered Column Chart visual and define the fields for the category and value columns, as well as any additional fields for coloring and labeling the chart.
  13. What is a Power BI composite model?
    Answer: A Power BI composite model is a modeling technique that allows for multiple data sources to be combined and analyzed together in a single report or dashboard. Composite models can be used to integrate data from cloud and on-premises sources, or to combine data from different sources with different levels of granularity.
  14. How do you create a waterfall chart in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a waterfall chart in Power BI, you can use the Waterfall Chart visual and define the fields for the category and value columns, as well as any additional fields for coloring and labeling the chart.
  15. What is a Power BI report theme?
    Answer: A Power BI report theme is a set of visual styling options that can be applied to a report or dashboard. Report themes allow for consistent branding and formatting across multiple reports.
  16. How do you create a stacked area chart in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a stacked area chart in Power BI, you can use the Stacked Area Chart visual and define the fields for the category and value columns, as well as any additional fields for coloring and labeling the chart.
  17. What is a Power BI app?
    Answer: A Power BI app is a collection of dashboards, reports, and datasets that are packaged and distributed to a specific group of users. Power BI apps allow for controlled access to content and can be customized with specific branding and navigation options.
  18. How do you create a donut chart in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a donut chart in Power BI, you can use the Donut Chart visual and define the fields for the category and value columns, as well as any additional fields for coloring and labeling the chart.
  19. What is a Power BI XMLA endpoint?
    Answer: A Power BI XMLA endpoint is a way to access Power BI data and objects using the XMLA protocol, which is a standard for multidimensional data sources. The XMLA endpoint allows for advanced analytics and reporting scenarios using tools like Excel, SQL Server Analysis Services, and Power Pivot.
  20. How do you create a treemap chart in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a treemap chart in Power BI, you can use the Treemap visual and define the fields for the category and value columns, as well as any additional fields for coloring and labeling the chart. The Treemap visual allows for hierarchical analysis of data using nested rectangles to represent categories and subcategories.

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