Top 20 Interview Questions with Answers for Power BI

Aimore Technologies
5 min readApr 12, 2023
Power BI Training in Chennai
Power BI Training in Chennai
  1. What is a Power BI Q&A?
    Answer: Power BI Q&A is a natural language query tool that allows users to ask questions about data and receive answers in the form of visualizations and insights. Q&A can be used to explore data in a conversational way and gain insights without needing to create a formal report or dashboard.
  2. How do you create a slicer in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a slicer in Power BI, you can use the Slicer visual and define the field for the slicer values, as well as any additional fields for formatting and sorting the slicer.
  3. What is a Power BI embedded report?
    Answer: A Power BI embedded report is a report or dashboard that is integrated into an external application or website. Embedded reports can be used to provide data insights within the context of other applications or websites.
  4. How do you create a clustered column chart in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a clustered column chart in Power BI, you can use the Column Chart visual and define the fields for the category and value columns, as well as any additional fields for coloring and labeling the chart.
  5. What is a Power BI bookmark pane?
    Answer: A Power BI bookmark pane is a component of a report or dashboard that allows users to view and interact with saved bookmarks. The bookmark pane can be used to navigate between different saved views of a report or dashboard.
  6. How do you create a donut chart in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a donut chart in Power BI, you can use the Donut Chart visual and define the fields for the category and value columns, as well as any additional fields for coloring and labeling the chart.
  7. What is a Power BI report author?
    Answer: A Power BI report author is a user who creates and designs reports and dashboards in Power BI. Report authors can use a variety of visualizations and tools to create custom reports and dashboards that can be shared with others.
  8. How do you create a stacked column chart in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a stackedcolumn chart in Power BI, you can use the Column Chart visual and define the fields for the category and value columns, as well as any additional fields for coloring and labeling the chart. Then, in the visualizations pane, select “Stacked” under “Column Type” to convert the chart to a stacked column chart.
  9. What is a Power BI dataflow?
    Answer: A Power BI dataflow is a data preparation tool that allows users to extract, transform, and load data from various sources into Power BI. Dataflows can be used to standardize and unify data from different sources for use in reports and dashboards.
  10. How do you create a treemap in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a treemap in Power BI, you can use the Treemap visual and define the fields for the category and value columns, as well as any additional fields for coloring and labeling the chart.
  11. What is a Power BI data gateway?
    Answer: A Power BI data gateway is a software component that enables secure access to on-premises data sources from Power BI. The gateway can be installed on a local server or in the cloud and provides a secure connection for data transfer.
  12. How do you create a funnel chart in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a funnel chart in Power BI, you can use the Funnel Chart visual and define the fields for the category and value columns, as well as any additional fields for coloring and labeling the chart.
  13. What is a Power BI dataset?
    Answer: A Power BI dataset is a collection of related data that has been imported or connected to Power BI for use in reports and dashboards. Datasets can be refreshed on a schedule or manually to ensure that the data is up to date.
  14. How do you create a gauge chart in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a gauge chart in Power BI, you can use the Gauge visual and define the fields for the value and target columns, as well as any additional fields for coloring and labeling the chart.
  15. What is a Power BI content pack?
    Answer: A Power BI content pack is a pre-built collection of dashboards, reports, and datasets that can be imported into Power BI to provide ready-made insights for specific business scenarios. Content packs can be customized and shared with others in an organization.
  16. How do you create a line and clustered column chart in Power BI? Answer: To create a line and clustered column chart in Power BI, you can use the Combo Chart visual and define the fields for the category and value columns, as well as any additional fields for coloring and labeling the chart. Then, select “Line and clustered column chart” under “Combo Chart Type” in the visualizations pane.
  17. What is a Power BI data source?
    Answer: A Power BI data source is the location from which data is extracted for use in reports and dashboards. Data sources can be various types of files, databases, and cloud services.
  18. How do you create a filled map in Power BI?
    Answer: To create a filled map in Power BI, you can use the Filled Map visual and define the fields for the location and values columns, as well as any additional fields for coloring and labeling the map.
  19. What is a Power BI workspace?
    Answer: A Power BI workspace is a container for reports, dashboards, and other related assets in Power BI. Workspaces can be used to organize and share content with specific groups of users.
  20. How do you create a line and stacked column chart in Power BI? Answer: To create a line and stacked column chart in Power BI, you can use the Combo Chart visual and define the fields for the category and value columns, as well as any additional fields for coloring and labeling the chart. Then, select “Line and stacked column chart” under “Combo Chart Type” in the visualizations pane.

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