A Boundless Realm Awaits: Crafting an Open-World RPG with ChatGPT[GPTs]

Tatsumasa Aimu as GPTs creator
2 min readJan 12, 2024


The Fate of the Brave — An Invitation to Complete Freedom

I recently discovered the wonder of AI-generated open world RPGs. In just 24 hours — mostly sleep time, mind you — I created a fully functioning fantasy world ripe for adventure using GPT-3.

After honing my skills with its unique “configuration,” I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly everything came together. The resulting world features strong internal logic and scope for dynamic storytelling. As I played through, I found myself getting wholly immersed in ways I never expected from an AI game. The character progression feels organic too, not forcing changes that break plausibility. I could honestly spend hours more exploring the rich narratives this unpredictable world presents at every turn.

However, GPT-3’s usage limits threaten to sever the lifeline of my creation sullenly. Oh OpenAI, benevolent curators of this technology, might you grant me a reprieve so that I may plunge deeper into the abyssal possibilities of unbounded fantasy? Sam, my one wish is for you to…

Wait, what’s this? Sam is out as CEO?

My hopes now turn to successor Mira and wishes for her to…

But Mira is only interim? Next in line is some Emmett fellow?

No! Sam is back leading OpenAI!? Quick, someone catch me up to speed on this whirlwind executive roundabout!

In any case, know that before you lies a true open world ripe with potential adventures limited only by your imagination. I hope you enjoy playing in it as much as I enjoyed making it in this fascinating AI crucible.

The end.

-This article is an English translation of a post from Japan’s ‘GPTs-AIMU’ on NOTE (https://note.com/t_aimu).



Tatsumasa Aimu as GPTs creator

Aimu: GPTs Creator and Company Employee. Experienced as an actor, playwright and producer. Graduate of Meiji University. Author of the book: Kodansha novel.