Having a Hard Time finding your Purpose?

Find your Why, help others!

Waking up without purpose? Why not help others realize themselves ?!

Andy Azd
4 min readMay 7, 2020

Darius Foroux Jana Bergant Niklas Göke

Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

Disclaimer: English is not my first language

Dear reader, this is my first article on Medium and it might not seem like it but it is a big step for me to come forward and write publicly my thoughts. I really hope that this will help others to come forwad as well.

1. Quick Introduction and Background

I’m a “Happy Idiot”, meaning that I’ve always tried to look for happiness in my actions (what does happiness mean is subjective, may be a next article on that) and therefore followed my own path.

I started getting to university studying law, but soon realized that I wasn’t made for it. I then worked for two years in the classical music industry, fantastic job, selling French Horns (picture below to see what a French Horn is, I’m often asked about it, here you go, the thing this man holds in his hands):

Photo by Uriel Soberanes on Unsplash

After this experience I went back to my studies (yeah “cause you must get a degree”!!) and decided to grow my knowledge in Business topics. That lead me into the Finance industry and the willingness to work into Mergers & Acquisistions (in 2018- 2019). This wasn’t for me neither 😅!

I finally got to realize that I needed to have my own business, call it entrepreneurship or just self-realization. So I started a company with my lovely mother about 6 months ago (and with current events I let you imagine the struggle). Brief description of our activity in next sections.

2. What all this brought me to think

Basically I feel like that the way I started my “adult life” was kind of messed up compared to the mainstream point of view (get a degree, get a job, get an appartment blablabla… not even speaking about the wife and child part). Not even talking about the comparison part with others . For me it is a poison and you shouldn’t compare yourself to others. But if you have to, make it in a way that helps you to grow.

Anyway facing all this, I started thinking that I’m no use and that I didn’t stayed long enough in my previous jobs or industries to know enough about anything to be able to create my own path and to earn a living from it (which is not the final point but money still is a major idea in our current world).

3. How to cure from this state of mind?

Lay down on your bed, find your passion and live!

Thanks for reading, bye bye!

Photo by Maria Teneva on Unsplash

Hum, Hum, more seriously I found it very joyfull to start by asking myself what I want to bring to others, how I want them to feel when they interact with me.

Not just what I love to do, what makes ME want to jump out of bed every morning. I tried to change my reality and focus more on what I can bring to others instead of what others can bring me.

“Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give.”

— Eleanor Roosevelt

See the twist?

How did I get there?

I didn’t mentioned it but the company my Mom and I built is about creating culinary food preparations by mixing fruits with spices (refined jam that we mainly use with dishes or cocktails).

Anyway, through the commercialization of our products everything became clear to me during a meeting with a client, a mixologist (= a chef behind a bar): When i saw the spark in his eyes when he tasted our products and the ideas that he came up with: “we could do this beverage, and this one …”, everything became clear to me.

This is what I want to do, bring others value and hopefully help them to express themsleves ! This is what I want to do with my life and thanks to our modern world we can do it through manyways.

Hope this has been pleasant to read.

Thanks for reading, please share, clap, recommend if you agree with the initiative 😘 Cheers!

Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash



Andy Azd

Entrepreneur // Dreamer //“Happy Idiot” // Exercise // Read // Think and find your Way //