Introducing the AION Token Swap

Published in
5 min readAug 16, 2018

Update* — Follow these step by step instructions for swapping your ERC-20 AION tokens for AION Coins. (a mandatory process that closes on November 30th, 2018) 👇

👆 On April 25th, 2018 the Aion Kilimanjaro mainnet was released along with the launch of Aion mainnet coin and we are excited to be moving forward with the next stage of this release, namely the ERC-20 token to AION coin swap.

The AION coin is the native asset of the Aion blockchain (as outlined in our Whitepaper), which is utilized for critical network functionality and our crypto-economic mechanisms namely: peer-to-peer transactions, utilization of computational resources, rewarding network operators and ultimately a critical security mechanism for inter-chain bridging and our consensus roadmap

While Aion is not the first organization to be performing a swap, we have taken this opportunity to apply our engineering excellence and provide what we believe to be a first-of-its-kind technology. We will be using a trustless Token Transfer Bridge, which will facilitate the swapping of the ERC-20 Token to the AION coin without requiring any intermediaries.

In addition to the Token Transfer bridge we will be supporting the swap via traditional means of exchanges as described in more detail below.

IMPORTANT: The swap window will be between September and November, and we require all Aion ERC-20 tokens to be swapped for AION coins, as 1) the full supply of AION coin is necessary for the healthy operations and the crypto-economic design of the network, and 2) there will be no future utility for the ERC-20 token and consequently we will be removing support for the token at the end of November.

Next Steps:

Subscribe here for updates about the Aion token swap. All updates will also be documented on official Aion forums (blog). We’ll be releasing full documentation outlining the process of the token swap in early September.


How many AION Coins will I get for my ERC-20 tokens?

The swap will be done at a 1 to 1 rate, so you will receive 1 AION Coin for 1 Aion ERC-20 token.

Will the swap cost me anything?

Using our Token Transfer bridge there will be no cost for the swap, other than the Ethereum gas cost for the transaction. If you use an exchange there may be a small transaction fee for facilitating the swap. You will need to check with each exchange for their transaction fees.

How do I migrate my Aion ERC-20 Tokens?

There are two paths for managing the swap.

1) Exchanges — We are working with a group of global and regional exchanges to provide support for the swap across our diverse community. In the coming weeks we will be updating a list of our partner exchanges that will be supporting the swap. These exchanges will allow you to deposit ERC-20 tokens during the swap period and at conclusion you will be able to withdraw AION coins.

2) Bridge — You can access the bridge through our Bridge UI and wallet interfaces such as MEW, MyCrypto, Meta Mask, Coinomi and Jaxx. To create your new Aion public address to input into the Bridge UI, utilize one of the various Aion Coin supported wallets that will be available for the swap. From the Bridge UI and supporting tools you will be able to send your Aion ERC-20, check on the status of your bridge transaction and receive your AION Coins.

Why do I have to switch to the native coin?

1) The full supply of Aion coin is necessary for the healthy operations of the crypto-economics of the network, and 2) there will be no future utility for the ERC-20 token and consequently we will be end-of-life’ing the token at the end of November.

What if I don’t migrate?

If you do not to migrate and you hold onto your Aion ERC-20 tokens, your tokens will not be supported by the Aion Foundation, Aion Network, 3rd Exchanges or 3rd party Wallets.

How do I store and interact with my AION Coin?

You may store your AION Coin with any exchange or wallet which supports the AION coin. Follow our blog for news on any new third-party entities which offer AION coin support.

Why am I seeing dual AION listings on some exchanges such as Bilaxy.

Several exchanges will be hosting the new AION coin while simultaneously hosting the legacy Aion ERC20 coin. Although the legacy ERC20 token will no longer be supported by the Aion Foundation, Aion Network or any third parties it will still be present on exchanges for a short period of time. Over time — the ERC20 token will no longer be on exchanges and the only Aion asset listed on exchanges will be the AION coin.

Why is there a price difference between the Aion token and the AION coin?

Although there may be a small variation in price between the Aion Token and the AION coin in the short term, the Aion Foundation will swap at a 1:1 ratio. The Aion Token will have no value or utility after the swap is completed.

AION Coin Supported Wallets

Aion Desktop Wallet (Linux & Windows)

Coinomi (iOS & Android)

Ledger Hardware (Under Review)

Additional supporting wallets will be announced leading up to the Token Swap.

AION Coin Supported Exchanges

We are working with top exchanges to support the Aion token swap. All swap supporting and exchanges listing the AION Coin will be announced leading up to the token swap.

Aion 代币交换介绍

2018 年 4 月 25 日,伴随着 Aion 主网币的发行,Aion Kilimanjaro 主网也同步发布。如今我们很高兴能够推进到此次发布的下一阶段,即 ERC-20 代币与 AION 币的交换。

AION 币是 Aion 区块链的原生资产(正如我们的白皮书所述),它用于关键的网络功能和我们的加密经济机制,即:对等交易、计算资源的利用、对网络运营商的奖励以及最终的链间桥接和我们的共识路线图的关键安全保障机制

尽管 Aion 不是第一个执行交换的组织,但我们抓住这个机会应用了我们卓越的工程技术,并提供了我们所认为的史无前例的技术。我们将使用一个去信任的代币传输桥接器,从而便于将 ERC-20 代币交换到 AION 币,不需要任何中介。


重要信息:交换期限为 9 月到 11 月之间,我们要求所有 Aion ERC-20 代币换成 AION 币,因为 1) AION 币的全面供应对于健康运营和网络的加密经济设计来说是十分必要的,并且 2) ERC-20 代币不具备未来效用,因此我们将在 11 月底取消对于代币的支持。


订阅此处以了解有关 Aion 令牌交换的更新。所有更新还将记录在 Aion 官方论坛(博客)中。我们将在 9 月初发布完整文档,列出代币交换流程。


我的 ERC-20 代币能交换多少 AION 币?

交换按照 1 比 1 的比率进行,即 1 个 Aion ERC-20 代币可换得 1 个 AION 币。


使用我们的代币传输桥接器将不产生任何交换费用,而在 Ethereum 进行交易将产生燃料代币费用。


我该如何迁移自己的 Aion ERC-20 代币?


1) 交易平台 — 我们正在与一系列全球和区域交易平台合作,为我们整个多样化社区内的交换提供支持。在未来的几周之内,我们将更新支持此次交换的交易平台合作伙伴列表。这些交易平台将允许您在交换期间存入 ERC-20 代币,而您最终可以取出 AION 币。

2) 桥接器 — 您可以通过我们的桥接器 UI 和 MEW、MyCrypto、Meta Mask、Coinomi 和 Jaxx 等钱包界面访问桥接器。要创建新的 Aion 公共地址来输入桥接器 UI,您可利用一个可进行交换且支持 Aion 币的钱包。从桥接器 UI 和支持工具中,您可以发送自己的 Aion ERC-20、查看您的桥接交易状态并接收您的 AION 币。


1) AION 币的全面供应对于网络加密经济的健康运营来说是十分必要的;2) ERC-20 代币不具备未来效用,因此我们将在 11 月底取消对于代币的支持。


如果您不迁移并继续持有 Aion ERC-20 代币,那么您所持有的代币将不再受 Aion 基金会、Aion 网络、第三方交易平台或第三方钱包的支持。

我该如何储存和使用我的 AION 币?

您可以在任何支持 AION 币的交易平台或钱包中储存您的 AION 币。请关注我们的博客以获得关于提供 AION 币支持的第三方实体的最新消息。

为什么我在一些其他交易平台(如 Bilaxy)上能同时看到两种 AION 币。

一些交易平台会在托管新的 AION 币的同时继续托管遗留的 Aion ERC20 币。即使遗留的 ERC20 代币将不再受 Aion 基金会、Aion 网络或任何其他第三方的支持,它在短期内仍会出现在交易平台上。一段时间后,ERC20 代币将不再出现在交易平台上,交易平台上唯一出现的 Aion 资产即是 AION 币。

为何 Aion 代币和 AION 币之间存在价格差异?

尽管短期内 Aion 代币和 AION 币存在细微的价格差异,Aion 基金会将会把两者之间的汇率调为 1:1。在交换完成后,Aion 代币将不具备任何价值或效用。

支持 AION 币的钱包

Aion 桌面钱包(适用于 Linux 和 Windows 系统)

Coinomi(适用于 iOS 和 Android 系统)

Ledger Hardware(正在审查中)

更多可支持 AION 币的钱包会在代币交换开始前公布。

支持 AION 币的交易平台




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