AiOTA LABSQuantifying Accuracy and SoftMax Prediction Confidence For Making Safe and Reliable Deep Neural…Deep learning methods such as convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance on a…Jan 24, 20191Jan 24, 20191
AiOTA LABSCommon Sense Reasoning Based Safe and Reliable Artificial “General” Intelligence SystemWhen using deep learning models, we generally only have point estimates of parameters and predictions at hand and that is why deep…Jan 13, 2019Jan 13, 2019
AiOTA LABSArtificial General Intelligence: Reasoning, Interpretable DNN with Risk MitigationThis blog-post is in continuation to our previous blog post.Sep 22, 2018Sep 22, 2018
AiOTA LABSWhat’s missing in Deep Neural Network?Proliferation usage of Deep Neural is still limited by 3 major bottleneckAug 21, 2018Aug 21, 2018
AiOTA LABSFeature size or Weight matrix size: Which one you should be worried about in DNN based object…Resolution of camera constraint the end application need in terms of what is the smallest size and at what distance it need to be detected…Jul 27, 2018Jul 27, 2018
AiOTA LABSObject Detection, Classification and Tracking in VideoObject detection and classification on static image has recently seen a significant improvement such as SSD, YOLO, Faster-R-CNN, FPN…Jul 20, 20181Jul 20, 20181
AiOTA LABSDefining Deep-Neural-Network(DNN) with Camera Resolution and Frame-rate(FPS) based on applicationThe use of vision based Deep Neural Network has found many applications which brings in higher productivity, increase profit margin, lower…Jul 7, 20181Jul 7, 20181
AiOTA LABSDeep Neural Network on Raspberry-PiPart-1: 93% accurate DNN on $5 Raspberry-Pi-Zero-WJun 26, 2018Jun 26, 2018
AiOTA LABSRegaining the #1 Position in Deep Neural NetworkGoogle recently announced their breakthrough deep neural network (DNN) MobileNet-V2. It has outperformed all the available DNN technology…Jun 7, 2018Jun 7, 2018
AiOTA LABSThe sad story of an edge computing device: Why can’t I impress Olive(DNN)Our beloved Popeye(lean-thin-tiny edge-computing device) with tear in his eyes is wondering, will ever Olive(Deep Neural Network-DNN) be…May 24, 2018May 24, 2018