5 reasons to use Facebook Dynamic Creative technology

Aira Mongush
4 min readMar 2, 2017


If you use and like the idea of testing a bunch of ad creatives with a combined pic, message, and headline, then you know that testing them with different audiences takes time. The process of creation and optimization of ads combinations is usually called the ad creative optimization. If the system can dynamically show the ad with some particular pic, message, and headline, then we call it dynamic creative (DCO or Dynamic Creative Optimization).

Facebook launched API for dynamic creative (in beta) a few weeks ago. This tool enables you to leverage Facebook’s optimization to experiment and deliver different variations of an ad creative automatically. It helps you to find the best ad creative combination per impression by taking your ad’s images, title, descriptions, and other assets then learning from the outcomes of how these combinations perform across audiences.

Dynamic Creative automatically builds and displays the best creative for groups of people in your broader target audience. It improves your ability to explore numerous creative combinations and audiences efficiently. DCO aims to improve ads’ ROI by:

  • Automating workflow used to test creative
  • Choosing the efficient mix of creative assets through learning across audiences

It is the analogy of Google’s Doubleclick DCO, but is more powerful, and here is why.

1. Dynamic Creative is the perfect instrument for your ad message personalization.

With the vast Facebook audience (1.86B as in 2016 with +17% YOY growth) covering imaginable geos, ages, genders, other demographics, interests, and social groups, you can reach out to almost everybody who uses Facebook apps and resources. But, it is a relatively hard task to come up with an excellent analysis of whether your message calls and creatives will work for the different audience types you want to offer your product or services. So, the Dynamic Creative vehicle, showing these combinations of ads to the right people at the right moment, increases their likeliness to consider and buy.

2. You optimize your spend and gain more goal conversions.

Since Facebook knows about humanity more than anyone else, its algorithms learn the statistical data fast and become incredibly accurate on predictions. The increased probability of your targeted audience considering and buying gives you the opportunity to get more leads and conversions while the CPM stays at the same level or gets lower than before. Thus, your KPIs as Cost per Click, or Cost per Lead or Conversion can be significantly minimized.

3. You can check out all your creative ideas.

By testing simultaneously whether this ad combination out of 30 possible combinations brings a better response, you can learn a lot about what your audience needs at the moment or likes. You test all combinations and get your insights. That’s simple but more than just useful.

4. It saves your time. Totally.

Do you feel sometimes you don’t have enough time to make real all your ideas and better-to-do things? That tool is the solution for a full test of your ad creatives and messages and getting the full result you dreamed of. This means getting the right messages to the right audience.

5. Apparently, Facebook will support Dynamic Creative for all the objectives very soon.

We see how quickly Facebook releases its new features and objectives support on all of the placements, i.e., lead ads on Audience Network and Instagram. We are sure that Facebook will keep releasing Dynamic Creative for other objectives soon.

The first test of beta-Dynamic Creative showed that CPC was constantly down during the campaign, while the amount of users clicking on ads was growing.

Because the API is beta now, there are not so many ways to try it. We launched the first Dynamic Creative implementation on our platform open for use in the demo version.

Want to improve results with Dynamic Creative?

Learn more and try

