Tapswap Airdrop: A Complete Guide + Invite Link

Airdrop Gold
2 min readMay 23, 2024


Tapswap is an engaging and straightforward way to earn tokens just by tapping on your screen. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how Tapswap works, how to start earning tokens, and why it might be the perfect choice for you.

If you looking for tapswap invite code use : r_401192094 code

What is Tapswap?

Tapswap is a game and platform built on the Solana blockchain. Think of it as a digital bank for tokens. You participate by playing a tapping game on Telegram, earning tokens in the process. It’s really that simple!

How to Get Started with Tapswap Airdrop

Step 1: Join the Tapswap Telegram Bot (Invite Only)

To begin, you need to join the Tapswap Telegram bot.

Use this link:https://t.me/tapswap_mirror_2_bot?start=r_369699268

Tapswap Telegram Bot and follow the instructions provided.

Step 2: Tap and Join Tapswap Airdrop

Once you’re in, start tapping on your screen. Each tap earns you tokens. You can earn up to 500 tokens per session before you need to wait a while to tap again.

How to Boost Your Earnings on Tapswap

Complete Tasks

Earn additional tokens by completing small tasks. For example, you can join the Tapswap Telegram group or follow their social media accounts. These tasks are simple and give you bonus tokens.

Tapswap Referral Program

Tell your friends about Tapswap, and if they join, you earn a portion of their earnings. This way, you can continue earning tokens even when you’re not actively tapping!



Tapswap offers a fun and new way to earn tokens by tapping your screen. It’s easy to start and doesn’t cost any money. If you enjoy trying new things and don’t mind spending some time tapping, Tapswap could be a good choice for you.

Source: https://airdrop.gold/tapswap-airdrop/



Airdrop Gold

Crypto enthusiast with a heart for Blast_L2 Exploring blockchain depths through Blast's lens. CryptoGirl 🚀💜 Founder of https://airdrop.Gold