Airdrop King — API for developers

Airdrop King
2 min readApr 11, 2019


Deliver more value to your users and integrate a list of airdrops to your website or your application with our new API.

Go to if you want to jump directly to the documentation.

What is an API?

In basic terms, APIs just allow applications to communicate with one another. You send a request to our API and you get back a list of airdrops in the JSON format. You can then embed this data to your website or application to show it to your users. So we keep the data up to date and you only display them. Sounds good? Go ahead :)

Airdrop King API

  • 100% free to use
  • No key required
  • publicly available

Display a list of airdrops on your website

Preview example of the preconfigured Airdrop King API

So you have a website and want to embed some airdrops which are always up to date and which get automatically updated? Great! Just implement these two lines of code anywhere* on your website (we recommend a sidebar widget) and thats it:

<div id="airdropKingList"></div>
<script src="" url="" async defer></script>

Note: This displays the six best airdrops based on the user rating from our website with a preconfigured style layout. If you want to change that please visit: and click on the “Custom API” tab for adjusting how many and which airdrops should be displayed and click on the “Custom Stlyes” tab to deploy your own CSS and JS files.

Using Wordpress?

Nice! You can include the snippet above also to your Wordpress site. However make sure to include it as “HTML” code like with the HTML widget.

Integrate the API to your Application

If you’re planning to integrate it to you app or similar you’re very likely know what you’re doing and we encourage you to go to and click the “Custom API” tab and scroll a bit down. There you’ll find all up to date filters and attributes you can retrieve and test it right away.

Issues / Suggestions?

Please let us know your problems or wishes and we’ll do your very best to solve them to make you and your users happy! Contact us at or on Telegram @airdropking_io_support

* anywhere inside the <body> tag which will always be the case if you implement them in a widget or similar.

