The Balancing Act: AI Incumbents Tackle Existential Risk While Navigating Geopolitical Tensions and Economic Pressures

The AI Report
2 min readDec 6, 2023


The field of artificial intelligence (AI) is booming, with advancements impacting various aspects of our lives. However, alongside this progress lies a growing concern about the potential risks, with some even suggesting an “existential threat” posed by superintelligent AI (Bostrom, 2014). While AI giants actively work to mitigate these risks (Amodei et al., 2016), they face a complex balancing act, juggling economic competition, geopolitical tensions, and ethical considerations (Russell et al., 2016).

One of the key challenges lies in the conflict of interest between risk mitigation and economic competitiveness. AI companies are pressured to deliver results and maximize profits, which can sometimes incentivize them to prioritize short-term gains over long-term safety. This can lead to the development and deployment of potentially risky AI systems before adequate safety measures are in place.

Furthermore, the US government’s efforts to restrict the sharing of advanced AI technology and chip designs with China adds another layer of complexity (e.g., recent restrictions on chip exports to China). This strategy aims to maintain US dominance in the AI space, but it also hinders global collaboration on developing AI safety standards and protocols. Such restrictions could ultimately slow down progress or lead to the development of separate and potentially incompatible AI systems in different parts of the world.

Adding to the intrigue surrounding these dynamics is the recent departure (followed by reinstatement 5 days later) of Sam Altman from OpenAI, a leading AI research lab. While the official reasons remain unclear, speculation suggests a possible clash with the US administration over Altman’s attempts to establish business ties with Saudi Arabia (e.g., reports of OpenAI seeking funding from Saudi Arabia). This move could potentially be seen as indirectly strengthening Chinese AI capabilities, which aligns with the current administration’s concerns.

It’s important to note that these intricacies are complex and multifaceted, and drawing definitive conclusions is difficult. However, it’s evident that AI incumbents face a challenging task in balancing their responsibility to mitigate existential risk with the pressures of economic competition and geopolitical tensions.

Moving forward, fostering international collaboration and open communication will be crucial to developing comprehensive and effective AI safety measures. This will require a nuanced approach that considers economic interests, national security concerns, and the ethical implications of advanced AI development. Ultimately, the goal must be to ensure that AI serves humanity for good, and not the other way around.


Amodei, D., Olah, C., Steinhardt, J., Christiano, P., Schulman, J., & Dario, A. (2016, June). Concrete problems in AI safety. arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.06565.

Bostrom, N. (2014). Superintelligence: Paths, dangers, strategies. Oxford University Press.

Russell, S. J., Norvig, P., & Davis, E. (2016). Artificial intelligence: A modern approach (3rd ed.). Pearson Education Limited.



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