A One-Stop Java Resource that will get your Career Rolling

Alice Aires
17 min readSep 21, 2020

As you may know, Java is a powerful and general-purpose programming language that is generally used to develop and create desktop as well as mobile applications, big data processing, embedded systems, and many more purposes. According to its owner Oracle, Java nearly runs on 3 billion devices worldwide, thus making it one of the most popular programming languages.

What is Java Programming Language?

Java programming language is a class-based, object-oriented programming language that is typically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. Moreover, it is a general-purpose programming language intended to allow application developers to write once and run anywhere codes. This means that the compiled code can easily run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation.

Image source: https://www.edureka.co/

Generally, the Java code is typically compiled to bytecode that can be run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless of the underlying computer architecture. On the other hand, the syntax of Java is similar to C and C++, but it has low-level facilitates than either of both. As of the year 2019, the Java programming language was one of the most popular programming languages in use particularly for client-server web applications with having over 9 million developers.

Java was earlier developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems which has seen been acquired by Oracle and was released in the year 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems’ Java platform. The original implementation Java compilers, virtual machines, and class libraries were released by Sun under the proprietary licenses.

The latest versions of Java programming language are Java 14, released in March 2020, and Java 11, a currently supported long-term support (LTS) version which was released in September 2018. Otherwise, it will support Java 8 with public updates for personal use up to December 2020. Hence, Oracle highly recommends uninstalling the older versions of the Java programming language because of some major risks due to unresolved security issues. As the Java versions 9, 10, 12, and 13 are no longer supported, it is advised to the users to immediately transition to the latest version that is Java 14 or an LTS release.

The History of Java Programming Language

James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton initially started the project of Java programming language in 1991. Initially, Java programming language was designed for interactive television, however, it was too advanced for the cable television industry at that time. The language was then initially called Oak because of the Oaktree that stood outside the Gosling office. After a while, the project was renamed to the Green and then finally to Java, because of Java coffee, the coffee from Indonesia. Moreover, Gosling designed the Java programming language with a C/C++ style syntax that the system and application programmers can find things familiar.

The Sun Microsystems then released the first public implementation as Java 1.0 in the year 1996. Since them, it has promised to write once and run anywhere functionality, providing no-cost run-times on popular platforms. This Java programming language is fairly secure and featuring configurable security, it allowed network- and file-access restrictions. Some of the major web browsers soon incorporated the ability to run Java applets within web pages, and then Java quickly became popular.

Moreover, the Java 1.0 compiler was re-written in Java by Arthur van Hoff to comply strictly with the Java 1.0 language specification. With the arrival of Java 2 in December 1998–1999, new versions had multiple configurations built for different types of platforms. This version of Java included technologies and APIs for enterprise applications typically run in server environments.

Following the Oracle Corporation’s acquisition of the Sun Microsystems in the year 2009–10, Oracle has now described itself as the steward of the Java language technology with a relentless commitment to fostering a community of participation and transparency. The Java programming language software runs on everything from laptops to data centers, game consoles to scientific supercomputers.

The General Features of Java Programming Language

Image source: https://www.sitesbay.com/

Now let us discuss the general features of the Java Programming Language:

1. It is Simple: The Java programming language is quite simple and it is also easy to understand. Most of the features of C++ or C that were either difficult to understand or ambiguous are now simplified in Java or some are removed.

2. It is Secure: A normal Java program runs in the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) which makes it a secure programming language. In all cases, the JRE does not interact with the system OS, so Java programs do not interfere with the system. Furthermore, the Java programming language has security features that can allow us to develop virus-free and well-secure applications. This the reason why many banking applications are built with the help of the Java programming language.

3. It is Robust: In the Java Programming Language, it introduces automatic garbage collection and also exemption handling that eventually helps to prevent any potential issues and errors. On the other hand, the Java Programming Language also emphasizes on the compile-time and also the run-time error checking. All the robust features make the programs and applications developed in the Java platform more robust.

4. It is also Portable: The Java language which is compiled into the Byte code can be run on any platform. Hence, it is implementation-independent and everything else which is required to run the code like the data types or the storages are already predefined.

5. It is Object-Oriented: The Java Programming Language is a pure object-oriented programming language. Here, the language features are easily extendible as there already is a solid-based model for programming. Also, the programming language supports all the major features of Object-oriented programming.

6. It is also Platform Independent: As you already know that the Java Programming Language is a “write once, run anywhere” code. Unlike the other programming languages that always compile into the machine-code, Java is compiled into a byte code that can run on any machine irrespective of the Operating System it has. So, any machine that runs the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) can easily run this byte code.

7. It is Multithreaded: The special feature of the Java Programming Language is that its multithreading feature allows applications to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. Moreover, multiple threads of the Java Programming Language utilizes the same memory and other resources and then carry out tasks simultaneously.

8. It is also Distributed: Using the Java programming language, we can easily develop distributed applications using advanced Java concepts such as Remote Method Invocation (RMI) and Enterprise Java Beans (EJB).

Hence, we can distribute the Java program language on various machines connected through the internet that means an object on one machine can execute remote procedures on another remote machine. Therefore, these are the major features of Java Programming Language that make it a popular and most sought after programming language today.

Java Programming Language Application Types

Image souce: https://bvrithyderabad.edu.in/

Now, let’s discuss the various application types that we can develop using the Java programming language. The Java programming language can be used to create the following types of applications that are listed below:

#1) Standalone Applications

These types of Java applications are also known as Windows-based or desktop applications. These are independent software programs that can be easily be installed on the desktop. Hence, applications like the media player, antivirus software, desktop editors, etc. are some of the applications that are standalone in nature.

#2) Enterprise Applications

Most of the Enterprise applications are usually distributed applications and have features like high security, load balancing, and clustering. Hence, Java programming language is here to provide these features through enterprise Java Beans (EJB), and also this EJB can be used to develop enterprise applications. Banking applications are examples of enterprise applications that are most popular.

#3) Web Applications

All the web applications run on the server-side and create dynamic web pages. Moreover, these applications need to be highly dynamic and should be able to develop web pages on the go. Therefore, some of the Java features like JSP, servlets, struts, spring, hibernate, etc. are used for developing web applications.

#4) Mobile Applications

A mobile application is that application that is developed to run on mobile. Currently, the Java programming language and Android are used for developing mobile applications.

From this, we can easily say that the Java programming language allows us to develop a range of applications using its various features. Therefore, this makes Java language the most popular language that is still on top even after so many years since its development.

Why do you need to learn Java Programming Language?

Image Source: https://media.geeksforgeeks.org/

Why should one learn the Java programming language? The answer to this question contains multiple reasons like the popularity, easy-to-learn nature, various open tools, and libraries, etc. Gaining expertise in the Java program development will ensure you a secure career with fat paychecks and also the power to create applications with real-world experiences.

Here we bring out the reasons to make Java programming language a top contender in the race of the programming languages that a programmer or developer should consider learning:

#1. Java is popular and has a high salary

As you already know that the Java Programming Language is one of the most popular languages in the world having over 9 million developers and also it runs on around 7 billion devices. Because of this high demand for Java, developers are quite sought out and they hold most high paying jobs in the industry. The average salary of a Java Developer is in the range of $47,169 to $106,610 per annum.

#2. Java is Easy to Learn

The Java Programming Language is easy to learn as it has a syntax similar to English.

#3. Java has a Large Community

The community of Java Developers is one of the largest in the world as members are ranging from beginners, advanced, and even expert levels that are particularly helpful in case any support is required.

#4 Java has an abundant API

Also, Java has an abundant Application Programming Interface (API) that contains many Java classes, interfaces, packages, etc. This mainly useful for creating applications without knowing its internal implementations.

Mainly Java has three types of API, which are Official Java Core API, optional official Java API, and Unofficial API. These APIs are used for almost everything which includes networking, I/O, databases, speech synthesis, etc.

#5 Java has various open-source libraries

You may know those open source libraries contain resources that can be changed, shared, or copied. These multiple open-source libraries in Java are JHipster, Maven, Google Guava, Apache Commons, etc. that can be easily used to make Java development easier, faster, and cheaper.

#6 Java has Powerful Development Tools

There are various Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) in Java programming language that provides various facilities for software web development to the programmers. The powerful Java IDE’s such as Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA, etc. also play a big role in the success of Java. These Java IDE’s provides many additional facilities such as debugging, syntax highlighting, code completion, language support, automated refactoring, etc. that make coding in Java programming language easier and faster. On the other hand, the Java programming language has created a base for the Android operating system and opted around 90% fortune 500 companies to develop a lot of back-end applications. Also, the Java programming language plays a great role in Apache Hadoop data processing, Amazon Web Services, and Windows Azure, etc.

#7 Java is Platform Independent

The Java programming language is platform-independent as the Java source code is converted to byte code by the compiler which can then be executed on any platform using the Java Virtual Machine. Also, the development of most of the Java applications occurs in a Windows environment while they are run on a UNIX platform because of the platform-independent nature of Java.

#8 Java is Versatile

On the other hand, Java is a very versatile language as it is used for programming applications on the web, mobile, desktop, etc. while using different platforms. Also, Java programming language has many features such as dynamic coding, multiple security features, and platform-independent characteristics, network-centric designing, etc. that make it quite versatile.

Exciting Career Opportunities with Java Programming Language

It has been more than 22 years of Java and the success party still continues. Those who said that Java is slipping in popularity, job trends have responded saying ‘not yet’ as the Java language still continues to grow in popularity and usage and is believed to be the most reliable programming language in the developer community. Currently, the Java programming language is leading the pack in the Android mobile application development market and enterprise back-end market.

Now let us see which companies hire Java developers:

Image source: https://yourstory.com/

1. Amazon

Tech giants like Amazon had pledged to hire a huge group of Java Developers on a regular basis. Moreover, Amazon promises to provide a personalized pathway to a rewarding career. At Amazon, they are constantly looking for leaders who can understand that it takes grit and determination to complete a mission.

2. Google

Here, Google went big with its commitment to helping Java developers find careers, which announced new programs and services that promise to help them.

3. Microsoft

Microsoft was one of the first companies to offer jobs for Java Developers on various projects.

4. Facebook

Facebook, on the other hand, is aggressively hiring Java programmers and professionals to work on improving applications on the web. They are also hiring to find innovative ways in the application development and implementation.

4. GoDaddy

Founded by Marine Corps Vietnam veteran Bob Parsons, GoDaddy is another company with a solid reputation for hiring Java developers and professionals and has landed on several notable best places to work lists in recent years. Most of the Java developers will also enjoy continued support through GoDaddy’s which offers a variety of support resources and other events.

Best Places to Learn Java Programming

For students who aspire to become a Java Developer now has several options to choose from. Today, there are both online as well as offline courses that will help you to learn Java programming easily. Hence, let’s find out the best place to learn Java:

Overview of the Best Offline Degree Courses for Java Programming Language

Here, we have grouped some of the best universities that provide the best degree course for Java programming, let’s have a look:

1. Stanford University

While studying at Stanford, the students there can become thoroughly enmeshed with campus culture and learning. Undergraduates in the Java programs have the opportunity to get involved in teaching, with many employed in discussion sections for introductory courses.

2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Each of their flexible and intensive degree course is taught by world-class faculty. Here, students will easily gain exposure to high-tech material. In addition to optional independent study or research opportunities, the students here are encouraged to take classes in concentration fields.

3. Princeton University

Having a flexibly designed and customizable program, the students here also have the opportunity to engage in advanced research or even entrepreneurial product design. This feature allows them to gain experience in the core areas of technology and their own chosen disciplines.

4. University of California Berkeley

Unlike many universities of its size and caliber, Berkeley here offers the unique distinction of having the majority of its computer science courses taught by regular Electrical Engineering and Computer Science faculty. Moreover, these teachers are also renowned researchers in their respective fields.

5. Yale University

The degree programs here are supplemented by a wide variety of electives, hence giving students flexibility in designing their degree pathways. On the other hand, students also have the opportunity to engage in challenging original research under the guidance of a faculty member.

6. California Institute of Technology

Apart from selecting a track upon which to focus their studies, students here engage in a set of core classes and design a unique capstone project. This capstone project thus allows young, aspiring researchers to conduct independent work in any area of their choice.

7. Harvard University

Students can take a range of courses in Java, as well as in the overall study of information. The other programming languages here are learned and these skills are honed within this program.

8. Dartmouth College

Apart from applying for a standard Computer Science undergraduate program like Java, students may also take additional classes that will count toward a Master of Science degree with concentrations in Computer Science. This will allow talented students to accelerate their progress towards top-ranked graduate degrees.

9. Carnegie Mellon University

The unparalleled Java program here allows students to conduct part-time or summer jobs in independent computer science research. These added experiences help students gain insight into the issues surrounding the building and maintenance of computer-based systems.

10. Rice University

Here, Computer Science is offered via Bachelor of Science tracks. The students can easily take courses tailored to their career goals, as well as core coursework.

Overview of the Best Online Learning Websites for Java Programming Language

In current technology dominance, you can easily learn Java online. Each of the online learning platforms has different learning styles and knowledge levels. Hence, you can go through our comprehensive Java online learning course that will help you in many ways.

1. javaTpoint

The javaTpoint is a well-established and popular e-learning site for learning different programming languages including Java, C, C++, etc. The Java section here covers everything that you want to know.


· Easy-to-navigate user interface.

· Rich content

· Built-in java compiler

· Interview question for Java professionals


· No dates for courses

· Some alignment on mobile.

2. Udemy

Udemy is an e-learning that mainly offers more than 80,000 online courses in subjects like design, development, IT, software, and business. Udemy lets creators submit their courses to their websites. You can find ample information about the Java course and also can check out feedbacks and rankings.


· A wide section of Java courses targeting learners at every level

· They are information-rich and well-structured courses

· High-quality video streaming platform

· Lifetime access to all courses


· Due to a large number of courses, it’s hard to find what you need

3. Edufyz

Edufyz always aims to teach programming to students of any background with simplified learning materials online. However, it’s also an excellent resource to learn Java programming for anyone who is interested in the language. The content here avoids fluff as much as possible and consists of code examples for better understanding.


· The learning content use a simple language and comes with lots of examples

· They have student-friendly and interactive quizzes

· Easy to navigate website with well-structured information

· All the different modules are clubbed into one course for easy purchase

· Interview question and answers for Java professionals

· Lifetime access to all courses

· Rich e-learning content

· An Android app and also a YouTube channel for video references.


· Limited courses but they are working hard to add more course on the platform

· Recently launched e-learning platform

4. Coursera

Coursera is known as the №1 MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) provider in the world. They usually offer university-level courses in various subjects from arts to computer science. At present, Coursera’s two most interesting Java Specializations are “Java Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals” by Duke University and “Object-Oriented Java Programming” by the University of California. Both of the courses are quite comprehensive to learn.


· Easy to follow the syllabus and well-structured courses

· Several support points

· Streaming Coursera’s videos on mobile through its Android app

· You can also earn a certificate after the course.


· Sometimes it’s hard to search for your desired courses

5. edX

edX is also another popular MOOC provider that hosts online courses similar to Coursera’s. Till date, you can find 14 Java courses on edX and most of them are introductory courses. The online courses are taught by industry professionals or university lecturers and they are the backbone of edX’s courses.


· Rich content with high-performance video streaming platform

· You can earn a certificate at the end of the course

· A huge learning community is available to help


· The learning courses are not well-structured

· It’s like hard to find courses

6. Udacity

Just like Coursera and edX, Udacity is another popular MOOC provider. Initially, it grew from Stanford’s online computer science courses, so, in its early days, Udacity focused on traditional university-like courses. Here, Udacity’s Java courses have been created by Google and the courses are centered around video lectures and interactive quizzes, just like on other MOOC platforms.


· Udacity makes it possible to earn Nano degrees to improve your knowledge

· The learning material here is frequently updated

· They also have an active learning community

· You can access its platform through Android and iOS apps.


· The learning information here is somewhat unintuitive

7. SoloLearn

SoloLearn is a crowd-learning platform where you can learn to code. They have very interactive learning materials for several programming languages including Java. On SoloLearn, you need to unlock learning levels step by step. You can move on to the next level only after accomplishing the previous ones.


· Well-structured and modern user interface.

· Valuable interactive quizzes

· With the SoloLearn Android app, when can easily learn Java on the go


· You can’t go into any modules without unlocking the previous levels.

8. Oracle Java Tutorials

As Oracle is the owner of Java, so naturally, they will provide a lot of learning materials on the language as well. For each Java version, it has related learning resources on Oracle’s website. The most comprehensive Oracle tutorials are written for JDK 8. Besides, you can also find some useful Java tutorials in the Oracle Learning Library.


· They have in-depth learning that covers several important subjects.

· Al the learning information is provided by the Oracle’s in-house team.

· Tutorials here show which Java version they belong to.


· It hard to find what you are looking for

· The platform has an alignment problem on mobile

9. Simplilearn

Simplilearn is known as an online learning platform where you can follow industry-recognized learning paths and also earn “masters certifications”. Moreover, they have one training program directly related to Java, which is called the Java Certification Training Course. The Simplilearn’s Java Certification Training program is quite comprehensive as it includes 52 hours of video lectures, 35 coding exercises, and 2 web-based projects.


· The website is easy to navigate through and there’s a lot of information about the subject

· Besides the paid courses, there are some free resources for users

· Android and iOS mobile apps are also available.


· The subjects are somewhat confusing as you may not find what you are looking for

10. Codecademy

Codecademy is also an interactive learning platform where you can learn different programming languages including JavaScript, Java, C++, etc. Currently, they have one Java course called Learn Java that helps you learn the basics of the Java Programming language. In Codecademy’s Learn Java course, you need to accomplish interactive lessons step by step.


· Well-structured syllabus and a built-in console for side by side view

· Both iOS and Android apps are available

· They have an active learning community to help you out


· You cannot access the course in one piece.


All thanks to Java, we are advancing to the next generation of the technology revolution. So, this was the one-stop Java resource for you that will help you in taking up the programming language to build up your career. With so many advantages of learning the Java language, you are bound to take up the course.



Alice Aires

Alice Aires is a web content writer and blogger with sound knowledge on internet marketing.