How to Change United Airlines Flight? Change Flight to fly high

6 min readJun 8, 2024


Is something happening to you that forces you to make changes to your booking? If this is the case, then why do you worry a lot when you are traveling on United Airlines? Does this mean that you don’t trust United Airlines? Listen, it can happen to anyone, which is not a subject of stress. However, the instances that force the passenger to make alterations can be sudden. Which can happen just after completing the booking process. Also, they may take longer to happen. However, this is not the deal; the concern is why you are anxious about when United has a solution for the same. Yes, you hear it correctly: it facilitates passengers with United Airlines change flight Policy. This means with the flow of this blog, you will be able to get the answer, “How can I change my United Airlines flight?”. If you are looking to execute the same, then first, know some rules that reside under it.

United Airlines Change Flight

Do you urgently need the information relevant to the United Change Flight Policy? If your answer is yes then, customer service experts are here to help you with the same. Thus, dial the official contact number of customer service which is +1–855–200–0640.

Guidelines of United Airlines Flight Change Policy:

Before you head towards the implementation, here are some important points to consider when changing flight. All the highlights below will help you to have an efficient going with the procedure of the Flight Change approach. However, let’s scan the below pointers together.

  • If a passenger modifies his/her fare ticket within 24 hours of purchase then, there will be zero penalty charges.
  • One similar scenario is there when passengers do not need to pay any charges for flight change. Thus, the situation is when the itinerary of a flight ticket states that your trip involves the travel within US and Canada. However, the point here is to remember that this point does not apply to the basic fare tickets.
  • If you got the travel credit as the refund in any of the scenarios then make sure that you will make use of that within a year. The reason behind this is its life; thus, it is valid for a year only.
  • United Airlines allows the passenger to alter their fare tickets as many times as they want. However, the fare difference is subject to pay every time.
  • If you are not sure about the schedule of your travel trip then, don’t choose to book a new flight instead of getting a travel credit from the airline.
  • If you are traveling on an award ticket and for an economy or premium economy class then, there will be no flight change charges. However, make sure that the flight originates from the USA.

Methods to implement the United flight change policy:

The United Air Carrier offer numerous ways to alter the fare ticket. There are two categories of methods: one is online, and another is offline. In most of the scenarios, passenger alter their flight tickets when there is any change in their plans. So, let’s see how a passenger can modify the fields of their travel tickets.

Alter the fields of the ticket via the official website:

This method of flight change resides under the categorization of the online approach. Although, this one is one of the most flexible and reliable methods. In this way, you will be able to make changes to your fare ticket anytime and from anywhere. The prerequisites for this are a stable network connection to navigate the site. If you make sure all the conditions are met, then go along with the below guide.

  • The very first action you have to take is to navigate the official website of United Airlines.
  • Now, you have to enter your last name and the six-digit code of your booking. If you enter the details correctly then, click on the “confirm” button to obtain your reservation details.
  • Then, tap on the “Change Your Flight” section in the detail section of your booking.
  • Press on the “Continue” button. However, make sure that you complete the flight change process one hour before your departure.
  • Lastly, you can end the process by making the payment if applicable in your case.

Alter the fields of the ticket on a call:

With this approach, passengers can directly connect with United’s customer service experts. However, you have to dial a valid contact number and then follow the instructions below carefully.

  • Firstly, you have to dial +1–855–300–0640 to connect with the United Airlines flight change department.
  • At this point, the airline agent will be on a call with you, so you can ask the live person about the flight change.
  • Share all the details of your flight that the live person is asking for.
  • Once the customer agent modifies your flight ticket as per your schedule, make the fare difference payment to get the confirmation mail.

Visit the United Airport to modify your flight ticket:

If the above methods are not suitable for you or, in other words, if these are not up to your comfort, then you are free to try this one. However, with this approach, you have to visit your departure airport. So, if you are fine with going to the airport, then the instructions you have to follow are below.

  • Once you reach the airport, talk to the service official available at the service counter.
  • Then, ask the agent to implement the flight change policy on your behalf.
  • After implementing the policy agent will inform you so that you can close the procedure by getting payment from you.

Indeed, a customer service agent can efficiently schedule your flight according to your schedule. However, this does not mean that it comes with zero responsibility at your end. However, you should keep an eye on the flight change policy associated with your fare ticket.

Sum up of the blog:

The blog covers all the major approaches to implementing the flight change policy of United Airlines. If the above methods are still not up to your comfort then, try the mobile application of United. Where the steps of execution are very similar to that of a website. If the information given in this blog seems complex to you then, you can contact me at +1–855–200–0640. On this call, you will get through the methods more efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Does United Airlines allow passengers to reschedule their flights?

Under the 24-hour booking policy, passengers are eligible to make flight changes within 24 hours of when they buy the ticket. Thus, passenger executes the flight change policy if their booking is at least one week in advance. These are the only conditions under which a passenger can switch to his/her flight without paying any charges.

How can someone change his/her flight to another flight?

This can be possible from the official site of United Airlines. Thus, first navigate the website of United and then, log in to your account. After successful login tap on “My Account” and open the booking details on which you want to reschedule your flight. Find the option to request flight rescheduling.

Does United Airlines allow you to reschedule your flight to another travel date?

Yes, you are free to reschedule your flight to another travel date. Additionally, you can also cancel your upcoming flight. However, the point you need to highlight here is that you have to pay the fare difference fee on the same. On considering the same point, you are very lucky to have a great decline in the change and cancellation charges. To learn more about it, you can scan the United Airlines change flight fee policy.

Read Other Article: United Airlines Cancellation Policy

