The Ultimate Guide to Sleeping on a Plane: How to Get Quality Rest in the Sky

Airlines office
5 min read1 day ago


When it comes to air travel, one of the most challenging aspects is finding a way to sleep comfortably on a plane. Whether you’re flying long-haul or on a red-eye flight, achieving quality sleep can be crucial for arriving at your destination refreshed and ready to go. In this guide, we’ll explore proven strategies and expert tips to help you master the art of sleeping on a plane.

Choosing the Best Seat for Sleep

The seat you choose can make or break your in-flight sleeping experience. Here’s how to pick the best one:

Window Seats: These are often the top choice for sleepers because they offer a wall to lean against, which can provide support for your head and neck. Additionally, you won’t be disturbed by fellow passengers needing to use the restroom.

Bulkhead Seats: Located at the front of each section, these seats have extra legroom, which can be beneficial for stretching out. However, keep in mind that they may also be near the restroom or galley, which could be noisy.

Exit Rows: While exit row seats also offer more legroom, they come with the responsibility of assisting in an emergency, and the seats may not recline as much as others.

Avoid Aisle Seats: While convenient for getting up without disturbing others, aisle seats leave you more exposed to passing passengers and flight attendants, which can interrupt your sleep.

Pre-Flight Preparation for Better Sleep

Your sleep on a plane often starts long before you board. Proper pre-flight preparation is key to getting quality rest in the air.

Adjust Your Sleep Schedule: If you’re traveling across time zones, try to adjust your sleep schedule a few days before your flight to align with your destination’s time zone. This can help reduce jet lag and make it easier to sleep on the plane.

Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can worsen the effects of jet lag and make it harder to sleep. Drink plenty of water before and during your flight, but avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages as they can disrupt sleep.

Pack Essential Sleep Gear: Bringing the right travel accessories can significantly improve your chances of sleeping on a plane. Consider packing:

  • Neck Pillow: A good neck pillow provides essential support and can prevent neck pain.
  • Eye Mask: Block out light, which can make it easier to fall asleep.
  • Noise-Cancelling Headphones or Earplugs: Drown out the ambient noise of the plane.
  • Blanket: Airplane cabins can get cold, so having your own blanket ensures you stay warm.

Choose the Right Outfit: Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that won’t restrict movement. Layers are also important as they allow you to adjust to the changing temperatures of the cabin.

On-Board Tips for Falling Asleep

Once you’re on the plane, use these strategies to help you drift off to sleep:

Follow a Sleep Routine: Mimicking your regular bedtime routine, such as reading a book or listening to soothing music, can signal to your body that it’s time to sleep, even at 35,000 feet.

Recline Your Seat: If your seat reclines, take full advantage of it. Reclining your seat helps reduce pressure on your lower back and allows for a more natural sleeping position. However, be mindful of the passenger behind you.

Use the “Backward Lean” Method: If you’re in a seat that doesn’t recline, try leaning forward and resting your head on the tray table (use a pillow or jacket for cushioning). This can sometimes be more comfortable than trying to sleep upright.

Mind Your Diet: Avoid heavy meals before and during your flight. Opt for light, easily digestible foods that won’t leave you feeling bloated or uncomfortable. Foods rich in tryptophan, like turkey and bananas, can promote sleepiness.

Control the Light: Use your eye mask to block out any bright lights. Some passengers find that avoiding the blue light from screens can also help them fall asleep more easily.

Practice Relaxation Techniques: Deep breathing exercises or progressive muscle relaxation can help calm your mind and body, making it easier to fall asleep.

Dealing with Common Sleep Disruptions

Even with the best preparation, sleep on a plane can be interrupted by various factors. Here’s how to deal with some common issues:

Turbulence: If turbulence wakes you up or prevents you from sleeping, try to remain calm and take deep breaths. Tightening your seatbelt to feel more secure and placing your feet flat on the floor can help reduce the sensation of movement.

Noise: Airplanes are noisy environments, with the constant hum of the engines and chatter from other passengers. Noise-cancelling headphones or earplugs can be invaluable in reducing these distractions.

Temperature Changes: The temperature on planes can vary significantly. Make sure to dress in layers and use a blanket to stay warm.

Legroom Issues: Limited legroom can make it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position. If you’re in an economy seat, try to stretch and shift your position frequently. If possible, consider booking an upgrade to a seat with more space.

After the Flight: Recovering from In-Flight Sleep

After your flight, it’s essential to help your body recover from the sleep (or lack thereof) you experienced on the plane.

Stretch and Move: Once you’ve landed, take some time to stretch and move around. This will help improve circulation and alleviate any stiffness from sitting for an extended period.

Get Some Sunlight: Exposure to natural light can help reset your internal clock and reduce the effects of jet lag.

Nap Strategically: If you didn’t sleep well on the plane, a short nap upon arrival can help you feel more alert. However, avoid long naps that could interfere with your ability to sleep at night.

Hydrate and Eat Light: Continue to drink water and eat light, balanced meals to help your body recover from the effects of travel.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of sleeping on a plane. Whether you’re a frequent flyer or an occasional traveler, getting quality rest during your flight is possible with the right preparation and strategies.

