Introduction to Model Predictive Control with Formal Guarantees: What it is and How it Works?

Abebe S.
4 min readApr 12, 2023



Controlling complex systems can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to ensuring their safety and performance. That’s where Model Predictive Control (MPC) with formal guarantees comes into play. It’s a powerful technique that provides a level of safety and performance that traditional control methods alone can’t match. If you want to know in detail about Model-based MPC and Machine Learning based MPC check out my previous blog.

In this blog post, I’ll introduce you to MPC with formal guarantees, what it is, and how it works. Let’s dive into the details.

What is MPC with Formal Guarantees?

Model Predictive Control (MPC) with formal guarantees is a very powerful technique that offers a degree of safety and performance that can’t be attained by classical control methods alone when it comes to controlling complex and nonlinear systems. Let me explain it in simple terms.

Imagine this, you’re on a rollercoaster ride and you’re trying to control the speed and direction of the coaster car. Sounds pretty intense, right?😉 Well, that’s what it’s like to control complex systems like autonomous vehicles, robots or aircraft. The good news is that with an MPC with formal guarantees, you have a “guarantees co-pilot” by your side that can handle any situation that arises during the ride. It’s like having a trusty copilot in control of the system, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and safely. Let’s call it your “Control Copilot” or your “Guarantees Copilot” — whichever you prefer! It’s like Bing your browser copilot or GitHub copilot your Code co-pilot. It’s always there to help you make the best decisions in real-time. It involves using a mathematical model of the system to predict future control actions and optimize them in real-time while satisfying certain safety and performance requirements. This is achieved by formulating the problem as an optimization problem and solving it in real-time.

DALL.E- Shiba Inu dog riding a roller coaster, wearing a pair of sunglasses, and holding on to the coaster’s steering wheel.

How Does MPC with Formal Guarantees Work?

MPC with formal guarantees works by first developing a mathematical model of the system being controlled. This model takes into account the current state of the system, any input signals or disturbances, and any physical laws or constraints that govern the system’s behavior. The model is used to predict the future behavior of the system over a finite time horizon.

Based on this predicted behavior, MPC with formal guarantees formulates an optimization problem that seeks to minimize a performance criterion, such as the energy consumption of the system or the time it takes to complete a task. At the same time, MPC with formal guarantees ensures that certain safety constraints are satisfied, such as avoiding collisions in autonomous vehicles or maintaining safe temperatures in chemical plants.

The optimization problem is solved in real-time using numerical techniques, and the resulting control actions are applied to the system. This process is repeated at each time step, with the mathematical model and optimization problem being updated as new information becomes available.

By using a mathematical model to predict the behavior of the system and optimizing control actions in real-time, MPC with formal guarantees is able to ensure that the system operates safely and efficiently. And by providing a formal framework for ensuring that safety and performance requirements are met, MPC with formal guarantees gives us the confidence to know that the system will operate the way it’s supposed to, even under challenging and uncertain conditions.

Benefits of MPC with Formal Guarantees

MPC with formal guarantees provides a level of safety and performance that can’t be achieved by traditional control methods alone. It gives us the confidence to know that the system will operate the way it’s supposed to, even under challenging and uncertain conditions. By providing mathematical guarantees on the system’s behavior, MPC with formal guarantees takes the guesswork out of controlling complex systems. This is particularly important in critical applications such as aerospace or medical device control.

Applications of MPC with Formal Guarantees

MPC with formal guarantees has been applied to a wide range of systems, including autonomous vehicles, robotics, energy management in buildings, and aerospace systems. It has also been used in combination with other techniques such as machine learning to improve system performance further.

In my previous blog posts, I talked about the importance of MPC with machine learning (ML-MPC) in controlling complex systems. I mentioned that I would be writing more blogs on ML-MPC with code examples, but before that, I wanted to introduce MPC with formal guarantees. This technique is essential in the field of control, and it’s important to have a solid understanding of it before diving into more advanced topics like ML-MPC.


MPC with formal guarantees is a powerful technique that improves the safety, efficiency, and reliability of complex systems. By providing a formal framework for ensuring that the control law satisfies safety and performance requirements of complex systems, like aerospace and medical device control. MPC with formal guarantees takes the guesswork out of controlling complex systems. In my next blog post, I’ll dive deeper into ML-MPC with code examples, but for now, I hope this introduction to MPC with formal guarantees has been informative and helpful.


  1. Camacho, E. F., & Alba, C. B. (2011). Model predictive control (pp. 27–64). Springer, London.
  2. M. Hertneck, J. Köhler, S. Trimpe and F. Allgöwer, “Learning an Approximate Model Predictive Controller With Guarantees,” in IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 543–548, July 2018, doi: 10.1109/LCSYS.2018.2843682.
  3. Rawlings, J. B., Mayne, D. Q., & Diehl, M. O. (2017). Model predictive control: theory, computation, and design. CRC press.



Abebe S.

Mechatronics | AI and Robotics | Model Predictive Control | Reinforcement Learning