Why YOU Should Eat More Fibre

4 min readFeb 28, 2022


Are you aware of the potential benefits that come with consuming fibre on a regular basis? Fibre is one of the most essential macronutrients. You should always be mindful of its consumption. The problems may arise when you don’t take enough of it. But what is fibre and how does it affect our body? Let’s find out.

When we connect fibre with health, we are referring to dietary fibre. Dietary fibre is plant based and plays a great in the way bodies digest the food. It easily passes through your digestive system without getting digested.

It doesn’t actually break down but indirectly helps you with the prevention of constipation in that way. If your body is showing any signs of constipation lately then there are chances that fibre may help you in dealing with it. It is also known for providing almost instant relief from the symptoms.

Types of Fibre

You can classify fibre into two main types, soluble and insoluble.

Soluble Fibre

Soluble fibre dissolves in water. It forms a gel-like material when it is properly dissolved. Soluble fibre can also help you lower your blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Foods like oats, peas, beans, citrus fruits, barley, etc., are rich sources of soluble fibre.

Insoluble Fibre

If you struggle with irregular stools or constipation, insoluble fibre could be your remedy. Insoluble fibre enhances the movement of material through your digestive system.

It increases stool bulk so that it can help you with constipation. Some of the well-known and most common sources of insoluble fibre are whole-wheat flour, when bran, green beans, potatoes, etc.

Now that we are aware of the basic characteristics and types of fibre, let’s get acquainted with the benefits of consuming enough fibre.

Good for the bowel movements

The consumption of fibre may help you in regulating your bowel movements by enhancing them. It may also help you in maintaining the consistency of your bowel movements. Since it adds to the weight and size of your stool while also softening it, it would be easier for you to pass it. And just in case you are suffering from loose motions, the consumption of fibre in the right amount mat also help you in getting rid of that problem.

Keep your cholesterol levels in check

The consistent and sufficient daily consumption of fibre can help you with keeping your cholesterol levels. It helps you in keeping them under control. It’s quite simple to find it in beans. You can also have oats or consume it directly in the form of fibre supplements.

When you work with busy schedules, it’s may not always be easy for us to eat right. It may be hard for us to balance our diet in terms of nutrition. To overcome that problem, I prefer taking FibreFit by Nutriplus along with my meals and drinks. It is natural and provides me with rich content of soluble fibres.

Look after the sugar levels in your body

When you consume fibre regularly, it may help you keep your blood sugar levels in check. This advantage could be particularly more vital if you struggle with diabetes.

Especially soluble fibre can help you in slowing down the absorption of sugar. In people with diabetes, the unhurried absorption of sugar could be a great way to improve their blood sugar levels. It may also decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Great for Weight Management

High-fibre food feels more satisfying and fulfilling when compared to low-fibre food. It makes you feel well-fed, and your hunger is satisfied quite easily. Based on that, we can say that you would end up eating less and stay satisfied for longer. A high-fibre food has meaningfully fewer calories, keeping you from gaining weight. You can find out which food has high-fibre and fewer calories for the same volume of food to make the best of this advantage.

Nutriplus FibreFit may also help you in keeping your gut bacteria healthy. It boosts the process of overall fat loss by reducing your appetite.

Recommended Quantity

It is important to remember that dietary fibre is a natural and essential part of our balanced diets. Talking about recommendations, women and men over the age of 50 would need a daily consumption of 21 and 30 grams, respectively.

While the people belonging to a younger group would need a daily consumption of approximately 30 grams on average.




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