How To Curb Comparison, To Ourselves

Aisha Beau
4 min readJan 27, 2020

Often times when we discuss curbing one’s comparison, it’s usually in reference to our relationship or perception of others. Rarely do we look at the form of comparison that quite often weighs on us the most. Our tendency to compare ourselves to our “ideal self”.

This often manifests as a comparison to who you or others believe you “should” be, or clinging to the idea of who you used to be. Both of which can leave us feeling inadequate.

When we compare ourselves to who we believe we “should” be, nothing we ever do feels good enough. We’re in a constant state of lack. Blaming our shortcomings on the fact that we aren’t who we should have been, doing what we should have done, look the way society tells us is acceptable and so forth.

So instead of feeling motivated, we’re more likely to feel depleted or stuck. Paralyzed by the need to meet a certain standard, instead of forging a new path that aligns with who we are inside.

Paralyzed by the need to meet a certain standard, instead of forging a new path that aligns with who we are inside.

When we compare ourselves to who we used to be, we’re paralyzed in a different way. We’re constantly looking backward. Feeling guilty about no longer having an interest in…



Aisha Beau

Writer, Blogger + Speaker covering all things Self-Care. I recently launched a podcast, Re-Written, listen to it here: