Reclaim Your Sleep Routine After the Holidays

Aisha Beau
4 min readJan 6, 2020

The holidays are a joyous time, they allow us to catch up with loved ones, take time off from work, give and receive gifts. But with all the festivities surrounding them, our normal patterns are often thrown off whack. We’re sleeping less, eating and drinking more, undergoing more stress than normal-sometimes financially and personally. And by the end of it all, we feel burnt out. Leaving our immune systems feeling shut down, which isn’t so great as we enter the true winter months.

I’m speaking from experience here because I have literally been on the go for the past several weeks, and am currently on my last leg. Along with some strong medicine, what I truly need right now is rest and to get back to my normal sleep routine.

Sleep is beneficial to our bodies for a number of reasons. It helps reduce stress, strengthens our immune systems, helps our brains be more effective and productive, improves memory, mood, and more. And as we enter peak time for the flu and seasonal depression it’s important we do our best to prioritize it.

So, after all the excitement dies down, how exactly do you reclaim your sleep routine? Here are a few tangible tips you can put into action now:

Go Into Hibernation



Aisha Beau

Writer, Blogger + Speaker covering all things Self-Care. I recently launched a podcast, Re-Written, listen to it here: