Aisha Faisal
5 min readMay 12, 2020

A Man Without Ambition Has No Future

Goals and Ambition

Ambition is defined as the desire and determination to achieve success. Goal, ambition or aim is a thing of the future. Present life has no meaning without a past or future. Most people don’t know why they come to this world and they have no ambition in their lives. They are passing their lives without any specific purpose. They can’t understand how to live and recognize their aim. People without any aim, can’t focus on their lives they are living a meaningless life.

Suppose that an astronaut whose spaceship gets out of control and crashes on an unknown planet when he regains consciousness and finds that he is not hurt badly. The first three questions in his mind would be:

(1) Where is he?

(2)How can he discover it?

(3) What should he do?

He sees unfamiliar vegetation outside and there is an air to breathe, the sunlight seems paler than he remembers it and colder. He turns to look at the sky but stops. He is struck by a sudden feeling: if he don’t look, he won’t have to know that he is, perhaps, too far from the earth. He realizes that there is no return is possible. He has foggy, pleasant but somehow guilty kind of hope. He turned to his instrument. Suddenly he struck by a sudden fear, how can he trust instrument whether they will work in a different world, he loses the hope to do anything. It seems so much safer just to wait for something to turn up somehow. It is better , he tells himself not to rock the space. For a distance, he saw some creaturs approaching. He don’t know whether they are humans,but they walk on foot. They, he decides, will tell him what to do.

This is fantasy, but this is the way most men live their lives here like the astronaut did not know: what should he do? because he refused to know where he was and how to discover it but the answer to these questions is within him and around him. Most men spend their days struggling to evade three questions the answer to which underline man’s every thought, feeling and action, whether he is consciously aware of it or not, where am I? how do I know it? what should I do? By the time they are old enough to understand these questions, men believe that they know the answers where am I? say, in Lahore City how do I know it? It’s self-evident. What should I do? Here, they are not too sure. But the usual answer whatever everybody does. The only trouble seems to be that they are not very active, not very confident, not very happy and they experience, at times, a causeless fair and an undefined guilt, which they cannot explain or get rid of.

Our subconscious is like a computer -more complex a computer than men can build and its main function is the integration of our ideas. Who program it? It’s our conscious mind. If we default, if we don’t reach any firm convictions, our subconsciousness is programmed by chance and we deliver ourself in ideas we do not know, we have accepted. The quality of a computer’s output is determined by the quality of its input if a person don’t know about its programming, how can he worked in his life properly he is unable to grasp the reality or his own motives.

Your future depends on your vision

A man without a vision is a man without any future will always return to his past. Any successful endeavour requires a vision. We must keep our vision clear so we can move forward towards our dream. One of the reasons so many drift through life and end up on the rocks of the devastation is because they have no vision. In other words, our dream determines our destiny. To accomplish anything you must have a mission, a goal, a hope or a vision. The word vision means the ability to see things that are invisible. Sight without vision is dangerous because it has no hope. Sight is the ability to see things as they are, and the vision is the ability to see things as they could be. Life is so full of depression, things that you need to learn to live by the vision and see with eyes of Faith.

The leader who had vision did memorable achievements. The vision makes leader excited and excited leader has many followers. All the great people had goals that’s why they made their name in the history.

Goals and ambition seem practical in the world if they are aimed at the future and the future outcomes. I assure you that they are ego motivation. Present peace is a goal worth desiring, for it is more than possible, it is inevitable. The experience of present peace result from listening only to the spirit within, and to the spirit there is no tomorrow. This is the aim of ambition that motivates us.

If one has no purpose in his life he feels emptiness, the feeling of pointless is the reason of unhappiness, the self-recriminations, the fear, the frustration and confusion in his life. Each moment not with an eye for the future has no meaning in life.

Life Without Ambition

Ambition has to come from inside you, It’s not something which is poured into you, it’s not taught by a wise elder. It’s the answer to the question: What are you doing with life itself today?

Only you can answer that question because your soul is in your possession. Goals are attainable. Don’t let anyone tell you they are not. You have magic inside you. Magic of doing anything with courage and face all the hardships, disappointments and failures. You have to feel like a warrior and show your potential to fight for your dreams. If you are smart enough you can run after your dreams. Having some ambition to succeed in your career is good at a thing, it is an admirable trait. Comfort zones might feel safe, but they can also stagnate growth. Instead of living in your comfortable zone push yourself to adopt new challenges and try new things.