What are the Treatments available for Watery Eyes?

Aishwarya J
2 min readFeb 25, 2019


Tear formation is necessary for the lubrication of our eyes. It washes away the dirt particles and foreign substances from the eyes. But at the same time, excessive tear formation can result in the eye condition called watery eyes or Epiphora. It is important to pay heed to the symptoms and go for early medical treatment. If necessary, you may be prescribed to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses.

Watery Eyes Treatments:-
Irritated or itchy eyes can be addressed and cured by over-the-counter anti-allergy drops, in case the situation is not alarming enough. But if the situation is worse, then it is better to consult a doctor and get your eyes checked thoroughly. You may be prescribed topical anti-allergy drops that will cure the watery eyes condition.

Along with watery eyes, if you experience a discharge from the eyes, it can be due to a blocked tear duct. To address the problem, go to a doctor. He may conduct a drainage procedure or a surgery to bring down the symptoms. Sometimes, improper eyelid positioning can also be the reason for watery eyes, in which case he will conduct a minor surgery.

With age, you may experience drying up of your eyes, which means reduced lubrication. As a result, it will automatically increase tear production in the eyes. It is important for older people to see an eye doctor, as often as not, to detect any possible eye problem before matters go out of hands.
It is important to protect the eyes when we are out in the sweltering sun. If you spend a long time outside on a regular basis, it is imperative to put on the sunglasses to protect your eyes. Sunglasses will protect the eyes against the harmful ultraviolet rays, as well as from the dust particles, airborne debris, and any kind of glare.

If you come across anyone with a viral or bacterial infection, you must take enough precautions to avoid the infection from spreading to your eyes. Do not share your eyeglasses with anyone who is affected by an eye infection. In case your eyes are infected, sterilize the common household items or you may consider going for eye testing. This will disallow the infection from spreading onto others. Do not rub or touch the infected eyes as and when they feel itchy.

