A New Touch to Interaction

Exploring the element: Touch

Aishwarya Jote
2 min readAug 27, 2020

Here is an activity to do, run your fingers gently on a smooth surface, and then on sandpaper. Noticed any difference? The former leaves a calming effect while the latter gives a rough feeling.

What does this little activity convey? When a surface is touched, receptors in the fingers receive sensory signals. These sensing signals are sent to the brain to analyze and a mental image is generated. This feeling is due to the sensation of touch.

Source: Oziel Gómez on Pexels

Touch is a powerful mode of communication for generations. The simplest way to call out someone if you cannot speak is by patting or nudging them. The person responds by turning around, and this is a feedback to touch.

Both the touch and the feedback are essential to complete the communication loop. This loop integrated with science forms the haptic technology. This system can be seen by clicking the clap at the end of Elements of Communication Air. Thus, haptics has been integrated into our daily routines subconsciously.

Tech manufacturers exploit this haptics system to innovate their products & services. The scope has expanded from vibrations by touching the icons on a screen to pressure-sensing and motion-sensing.

A classic example of haptics is The Braille system. It empowered the visually-disabled audience to feel, express, and communicate. Today, it has evolved from mere paper-based solutions to Braille cellphone, Electronic Braille, Braille keyboards, and many more.

Another revolutionary innovation utilizing haptics is Virtual Reality (VR). The majority of us have had experience with VR glasses and are enthralled with this technology. An observer can sense the vibrations from the glasses and enjoy a whole new virtual world. This is possible due to the haptic feedback system, which is a result of motion-sensing.

Source: Cottonbro on Pexels

Intriguing, right? And you thought communication is limited to speech and lengthy emails? Well, put on your thinking hats again! Further, we will explore some iconic elements. Stay tuned.

Drop-in innovations in the haptic system around you in the comments below.

Press the clap icon to experience a haptic response!

