The Blockchain Quiz Competition: A little music to spice things up

Aisosa Otote
6 min readFeb 26, 2023


Read part one

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! The thunderous thump of the bass drum reverberated through the hall, pulsating the atmosphere and sending jolts through our bodies with every rapid pulse of our hearts as the spectacle in front of our eyes became ever tenser.

Mr Mike, the music teacher, who was perhaps one of the most introverted individuals you could ever encounter, would consistently burst into life whenever the moment to play music arrived.

Conducting the drummer as he pounded the beat, he looked like a man possessed. Swinging his arms in a fluid motion, his eyes were closed and as his body swayed to the sound of the beat, he was a picture of intense concentration.

Mr John, ever the eccentric school administrator, was so impressed with the first quiz that he decided to add a little music to spice it up. According to him, academics should be the greatest show on earth, and what’s a show without music?

In the midst of all this, the real spectacle was unfolding on stage, as Baba and Sheila remained wrangled in a high-stakes quiz, their brains working at lightning speed.

It was a frenzy as a flurry of true/false questions about blockchain technology hit both contestants like a tidal wave as once again they batted back the correct responses. Their voices rang out in ideal unison, creating a “Legato” almost in perfect groove to the sounds of the beat. Neck and neck, they remained locked in battle, waiting for the other to blink, but no one willing to bulge.

The following were the questions asked by the mediator and answered by the contestants

  1. All blockchain networks use the same consensus algorithm, True or False? Ans = False
  2. Blockchain networks can have both public and private participants, True or False? Ans = True
  3. Blockchain is a database that stores information in chronological order, with each block containing a hash of the previous block, True or False? Ans = True
  4. Blockchain technology is primarily used for financial transactions and has no other applications, True or False? Ans = False
  5. Blockchain technology was first introduced in 2008 with the launch of Bitcoin, True or False? Ans = True
  6. A smart contract is a self-executing program that is stored on a blockchain, True or False? Ans = True
  7. The energy consumption required to maintain a blockchain network is significantly higher than traditional data storage methods, True or False? Ans = True
  8. A 51% attack on a blockchain would allow an attacker to modify past transactions and potentially double-spend coins, True or False? Ans = True
  9. Blockchain technology can be used to create digital identities that are more secure and trustworthy than traditional forms of identification, True or False? Ans = True
  10. The size of a blockchain network can affect the speed and efficiency of transactions, True or False? Ans = True

The scores split 5 apiece, both Baba and Sheila knew that there was still everything to play for and despite their recent romance, their hearts were put on hold as they focused entirely on the task at hand, letting their heads take the lead in this high-stakes quiz.

In a dead heat, the mediator called for a tiebreaker, same rules but with the added challenge of defending their true or false verdicts. Baba’s face bore the weight of the moment, his eyes ablaze with a fierce determination, while Sheila remained cool and collected, her composure surely belying the racing of her heart. With a pizza on the line, there was no escape from the pressure of the situation.

The tense atmosphere in the hall was thick with whispered conversations, and the audience was jittery in anticipation of the final battle of the second round. There was a sense of unease in the air, and the choirmaster needed only to step forward to capture the palpable anxiety and set the tone for the upcoming performance.

Mr Mike stood tall and imposing, his gaze fixed on the drummer as he rose his arms to begin to conduct. With each flick of his wrist, the drummer’s stick thumped against the skin of the drum, slow and measured, creating a throbbing, hypnotic rhythm. The beat grew louder, more insistent, and a palpable tension filled the hall. The mood was set, let the battle resume.

The first question was directed to Sheila, and the mediator asked: “True or false: Do Blockchains have the capability to eliminate the need for intermediaries such as banks and accountants?”

True! She answered and here is my reason, she began:

“The very foundation of the blockchain evolution is built upon the concept of decentralisation, which ensures secure and transparent transactions without the need for a central authority.

This particular characteristic of blockchain is a departure from the norm as for centuries, the world has been accustomed to relying on a central figure to maintain order.

Whether it’s the banks of today, which charge a percentage of each transaction and verify its legitimacy, or the temples of the past, which acted as the banks of old, some form of central authority has always existed.

In contrast, blockchain technology eliminates the need for intermediaries by verifying and recording transactions through a consensus algorithm executed by a network of nodes. This promotes trust and transparency between parties, which is crucial in an increasingly digital world”.

It was a dashing answer and obviously, she got the thumbs up from the mediator. It was Baba’s turn now and all eyes trained on him with bated anticipation; could he keep the battle alive?

The mediator inquired, “Is it true or false that each block on a blockchain can contain multiple transactions?”

I thought to myself, “Baba had this in the bag.” We had gone through this question last night before retiring, and he had answered all the questions thrown at him during our revision. He was probably the most prepared out of the three of us for whatever might come our way.

Despite the time ticking away, Baba had yet to give his answer, and a sense that something was amiss began to settle over the hall. His eyes scanned the crowd before meeting mine, and in that moment, it was clear that he had completely forgotten. “Damn”, I thought to myself “there goes the pizza”.

The disappointment in his eyes was palpable as he looked at me, almost heartbroken. Despite the time ticking away, his gaze remained fixed on me, as if searching for a glimmer of hope. In a silent gesture of reassurance, I nodded my head to let him know that forgetting under high-pressure moments happens to even the best of us.

The mediator’s booming voice filled the room as he called out, “Time up!” and all heads turned to Sheila and without much ado, she went for it

“The answer is true although it depends on the specific blockchain and its implementation. But, in most cases, multiple transactions are grouped together into a single block to be added to the blockchain.

For example, in the Bitcoin blockchain, each block contains a maximum of 1 megabyte (MB) of transaction data. Depending on the size of the individual transactions, this can result in several hundred to several thousand transactions being included in a single block.

This ability to group multiple transactions in a single block is one of the key attractions of the blockchain technology that allows it to support a high volume of transactions in a secure and efficient manner.”

And just like that, she had won round two for Team Gold. It looks like the battle is all coming down to the final section — the debate. The aroma of pizza lingered in the air, a bittersweet reminder of what was at stake.

It was as if the weight of the world was on Baba’s shoulders, his disappointment tangible. Sheila could see it and knew she had to do something. She put her arm around him and pulled him in for a hug, whispering words of encouragement in his ear. But no matter how much she tried to lift his spirits, there was no smile to be found on Baba’s face.

She then whispered something in his ear which finally got him to smile, most people probably imagining that the whisper had something of the phrase “I love you”.

I knew Baba though, he was a practical guy and I can bet you that the only thing that would have gotten him to smile at that point were the words “I will give you a piece of my pizza”.

The final round loomed and the fate of the pizza… oops the battle hung in the balance. Game on!



Aisosa Otote

I won't just educate you, I will make you fall in love with blockchain and its applications.