Instead, make a not-to-do list.

2 min readSep 10, 2019


Stumbling across many ‘how to be productive’ in the self-help genera. It’s likely that you’ve been recommended to focus on creating your ‘to-do lists’ or odds are that you’ve always known that from the ‘start’.

Maybe that you have started creating your to-do list


So how much do you find yourself being ‘productive’? I’m curious. You may have a different definition of what you think is being ‘productive’. Well, for me, it is just 5 words,

‘Doing MAX in MIN Time’

So how much DO you get done by the course of a day?

Well, for me I just couldn’t get a lot of shit done in one day. I’ve always had a problem with this. But like every problem, there was a solution.

Do you want to know what it is?

It is trying to do too many things.


Because of the time you, I, we all, live in; is the most important time in mankind’s history. Today, if you so want, we can do almost anything at the comfort of our home. There’s almost nothing that you can’t learn. There’s almost nothing you can’t do.

Well, how’s that a bad thing?

I’m not saying this is a bad thing. Just that, no matter how much of a big change the world has undergone, the capability of our minds to do tasks is the same. We still can’t do two things at once.

Okay, try this: Try to move your right hand with a circular like pattern motion and the lelf one a square, simultaneously. You would find it extremely hard to do it. Or better, try to draw two different shapes using either of your hands simultaneously.

What did you find out? Can you do it?


Reason TO make Your NOT-TO-DO list.

There’s just an infinite amount you can get yourself doing but how many of them actually return something that you really really want?

It’s just way easier to focus on up to 3 things, eliminate all the other BS you sucks you in.




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