The Potential of Information Communication | How Information Is Getting Cheaper

The more and more time passes on, the more information is being more accessible. Information has existed for as long as we, humans, have existed but like never before, within just one and a half decades, we have made 10 million times yield in the gross volume of stored data(information)

5 min readSep 26, 2019


This very article you are reading right now is consisting of information, digital information, to be more specific; which are the streams of 0s and 1s architectured into various protocols, request systems, and databases. And all these data is being delivered right through your device by one many tens of thousands of data centers and pipelines across the globe and given the earth is 71% water, a lot of the super-high bandwidth data lines are underneath the ocean.

But How Did These All Come To Be? Well, it’s time to take a look back :

Alright, now what if I asked you a question that what you think has been the most important inventions made in the past century? What would you answer be?

Well, my answer would be Gates.

just a normal house door

Or to be more specific Logic gates. Yeah, I’m talking about Transistors.

Now if you are wondering why Transistors would be so important here, talking about, you might be wondering why just blocking or letting the electrical signal go, be so DAMN important.

Well yeah, it’s pretty useless..

only if it is just alone operating like a gate.

Now here comes ‘ parallelization’ comes to play. Just having 8 of these ‘gates’ operating in parallel to each other can represent a string of a Letter.

The value ‘letter’ is 1 byte and the gates that were used to represent these are called ‘bits’.

And this simple (yet complicated) concept gave birth to Computing which would just change the world forever but……

Not too soon, even if you’ve got a big brain, if you can not communicate well, you might not be just as effective. Sames for computers as well. Back then, we needed to make computers talk to each other.

And then, 50 years past from now, we made data transmission between two or many local hosts. That was a BIG deal.

which was even more of a big deal, is that, coming after later, we added many external layers like many protocols, nodes and a privately built ISP which could successfully establish a connection between to hosts within a large city.

And by the way, the only other way to interpret information as though the sheer papers of books.

And books are expensive, but so were the resources to host and distribute digital information back then. But —

Luckily, the slope of mankind’s evolution got a completely different shift. Looking back 200 years, it would just statistically tell us that within the next 50 years, we will be dealing with 10 times as much data as that time.

Now today, the amount of data we deal with is not 10 times as much but rather 10 million times as much and the more economy’s backbone is relying on digital market share, the more resources will be built to support that

Naturally, that will significantly bring down the cost of Information alone. And that will bring more and more people into being resourceful to spread more inexpensive information. And also to keep it in mind, big data has to be handled by a powerful algorithm,

as information centralization gets bigger, the more data volumes will be created, the more time passes, the more we climb up the slope of morse code. And at this moment, we are at the verge of coming to an end of morse code. We can only go at this pace for like some few years but then, WE will hit the wall. And that’s the exact reason why I think this exact set of few years is going to be hugely revolutionary because what’s after hitting the wall, has to be big really really big.

By natural law, the information will keep getting more and more centralized to every sqr meter occupying space of humans.

And the volume of building resources to interpret with more big data will explode. Like a supernova, scattering new materials across the galaxy, there’s going to be a burst of information that will drive the average knowledge index of the population crazy high.

Already our modern infrastructure across the entire planet is worth billions and within 2025, it will hit an astounding 9.1 billion. That is just the cost of the optical fiber connection cable network, adding up the Data-Centric part, which is the key necessary to handle data, it will go really high.

But our incredible progress in the scaling of raw processing power has made some insane pieces of hardware available. These types of hardware resources can not only drive big data structures but create new data by the input of MANY old ones.

And you can’t imagine how big of a change it will make to the world. Information will be made so freely accessible that you wouldn’t even need to go out a single step outside your room to learn whatever you will. This will lead more people to not pay for information but invest in innovation. And things like traditional education system will be crashed for good.

And the market share for all types of things that we consider buyable will move online and

already and looking at the current e-commerce market share, from 2014 to 2023, and getting how much the revenue has grown, it’s probably same to assume it’s gonna set fire to the traditional businesses.

And that’s for it, THE Information Revolution. The age of distributing information. Probably the most important revolution since the Industrial Revolution.

What’s your opinion on this? Let me know, I very interested to learn.

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