How to build or buy a computer using ChatGPT?

Amir Rimer
4 min readApr 2, 2023

Hi there,

In this lesson I want to show you how ChatGPT can help us in buying a prebuilt computer or in building a customized computer ourselves.

If your budget for a new computer is small and you like the speed, technical support, and the warranty that comes with a buying a pre built computer then you will want to watch this lesson, because in this lesson I will explain how ChatGPT can tell us exactly what computer to buy based on a limited budget.

Now, if you prefer to customize your computer so it will have the exact parts that you want inside it, then ChatGPT can help you with that as well.

Now, let’s say that I love playing virtual reality games on my PC (which is true by the way) and I want ChatGPT to help me build a computer that is strong enough to run those games.

If that’s the case, then ChatGPT can give me the component I need for this kind of computer.

So, I am now inside the ChatGPT website and I am going to ask it the following question:

Can you help me build a PC that can run virtual reality games smoothly?

The reason that I have added the word smoothly a the end of my question is simply because I know from experience that virtual reality games require a strong pc with a strong graphic card, so knowing that, I want ChatGPT to build me a computer that will not barely run those games, but will run them in an optimal way.

So ChatGPT lists the recommended components for a pc that can run virtual reality games smoothly.

And later on, goes into more specifics about each one of the components (under the sample build caption).

So, I can now actually take the list of components (under the sample build caption) and give it to a retailer of personal computers or to a computer expert, and they will use this list to build for me a PC that can handel virtual reality games.

Now, let’s say that before we go to buy the computer we first want to know the estimated price that we will need to pay.

If that’s the case, then we can ask ChatGPT to give us a rough price estimate for the list of components that it gave us. Obviously the price will vary based on the year in which we actually buy the computer and the shop location in the world) but again in this example we just want to get a rough price estimate.

So, we can ask ChatGPT a question like:

What should your suggested sample build should cost?

And ChatGPT will list each component with a rough price estimate next to it.

below the list of components. It will even list an approximate price range for all the components in the list.

Now, let’s say something else. Let’s say that the price range that ChatGPT has given us under the list of components is too high for us because our budget for a new computer is just $1000. If that’s the case, then we can ask ChatGPT to create a new sample built for us that will fit our budget.

So, if that’s the case, we can write something like the following to ChatGPT:.

My budget is only $1000, what should I do? (Because we have not started a new chat, we don’t need to include the word computer in our prompt, ChatGPT will already know that we are referring to a computer due to the list of computer components that it gave us previously).

So, ChatGPT will try to work within our budget for a computer by giving us a new list of less expensive components (With prices next to them like before).

So in this case our budget will force us to compromise on the quality of the components.

Obviously we can keep submitting lower and lower budgets to get ChatGPT recommendations for each one of them, and ChatGPT will continue to adjust its recommendations to the new budgets we give it up to the point in which my budget is not realistic to the kind of computer that we want. At this point in this example. it recommends us to go with a used PC that meets the minimum requirements for VR gaming.

Just as a refresher, if we don’t understand a certain computer term then we can simply ask chatgpt about it. We can ask ChatGPT what a prebuilt computer is, what a customized computer is, what a sample build for a pc means, what a motherboard is and etc…

What is a motherboard?

And if the explanation is not clear we can submit a prompt like:

Explain it in a simpler way

And of course if we need more explanation we can just submit the word continue.

Ok, so that’s it for this lesson, and I will see you in the next lesson…goodbye.

P.s — Watch my free ChatGPT video course below:

