Best Link-Building Practices To Follow

Aizaz shahid-SEO Analyst
3 min readMar 6, 2023


if you want to rank Quickly on search engine results pages then you need high-quality backlinks, backlinks are still the primary ranking factor from the start of Search engines, so you need to be very careful while building your backlinks profile.

you need to select the correct anchor text for your profile don’t overuse exact match anchor text, it also counts as a spammy google penguin algorithm that can penalize so you need to slow and steady while building your spam-free backlink profile for your clients.

My Best Link Building Practices that I follow:

Guest Posting:

Building backlinks through guest posts is still one of the best link-building Techniques but make sure you go for the relevant one in guest posting, relevancy is the key to building backlinks.

but they are the bad effects of Guest Posting Make sure you follow my tips to avoid them and don’t get penalized by Google.

1. Domain Rank Should be more than 30 at least, but if it is super relevant then DR Dosent matter.

2. Traffic should be more than 2k and check their keyword to check if they are not using fake traffic to manipulate you.

3. Make Sure the website doesn’t link to gambling or Casiona Related websites.

Make sure the spam score of the should be not more than 7%

Domain Rank Should be more than 30 at least,but if it is super relevant then DA Doesn't matter.

1. Traffic should be more than 2k and check their keyword to check if they are not using fake traffic to manipulate you.

2. Make Sure the website doesn’t link to gambling or Casiona Related websites.

3. Make sure the spam score of the should be not more than 7%

4. Bargain with them you need to pinpoint that we are just starting and we will go with a higher budget next if this work well we have other business too, and you need to communicate well with them to get your desired rates,

Forums Backlinks:

Forums backlink are the strongest backlink, they can really put up your serps very quickly if you do it professionally don’t spam on someone's forum and start adding your irrelevant answer to them that makes no value,

You need to select 30 to 50 forums Good forums relevant and nonrelevant, sign up there, and spend some days filling out your profile add your First Name. Second Name, your bio, and complete your profile don’t miss anything. so it looks Real not spam,

Then start helping them with your valuable answer using the Ai tool or chagpt, after 7 to 8 posts add your signature there and in a few days you will get backlinks from there.

Social Book Marking:

Social bookmarking can be a useful tool for link building, which is the process of acquiring links from other websites to your own website. When you submit your website or webpage to a social bookmarking site, you are creating a backlink to your site. Backlinks are important for search engine optimization (SEO), as they signal to search engines that your website is a credible and authoritative source of information.

However, it’s important to note that not all social bookmarking links are created equal. In order to be effective for link building, the links should come from high-quality, authoritative social bookmarking sites. These sites should have a strong domain authority, a large number of active users, and a relevant audience to your website’s topic or industry.

Additionally, it’s important to avoid spammy tactics when using social bookmarking for link building. Don’t submit the same link multiple times, or submit links to irrelevant or low-quality websites. Doing so can result in penalties from search engines and harm your website’s search rankings. In summary, social bookmarking can be an effective tool for link building when used correctly.

By submitting your website or webpage to high-quality, authoritative social bookmarking sites, you can create valuable backlinks to your site and increase your online visibility.



Aizaz shahid-SEO Analyst

Expert digital marketer with a passion for helping businesses drive online success through SEO, PPC and content marketing.Driving results and growth for clients