NVIDIA GRID: Installing vGPU Drivers on a Linux Guest Machine (Manjaro) with GPU Pass-through

Abdelwahed AJ
2 min readFeb 23, 2024


Nvidia vGPU Profile

Objective: Provide a comprehensive, informative, and step-by-step guide to installing NVIDIA GRID vGPU drivers on a Manjaro Linux guest within a virtual environment.


  • Manjaro Linux guest: Ensure your Manjaro guest OS is up-to-date with the latest packages.
  • Virtual environment: The specific instructions may vary depending on the hypervisor you’re using (e.g., VMware Workstation, KVM, etc.).
  • NVIDIA GRID vGPU: Access to a GRID vGPU card or appropriate permissions for remote access.
  • Superuser privileges: You’ll need root or sudo access on your guest OS.
  • Kernel headers and DKMS: These are essential for building and installing custom kernel modules.

Install Kernel Headers and DKMS:

  • Open a terminal window in your Manjaro guest and update your package lists:
sudo pacman -Syu
  • Install the kernel headers and DKMS:
sudo pacman -S linux-headers dkms
  • Download NVIDIA GRID vGPU Drivers:
  • https://ui.licensing.nvidia.com/software
  • Visit the NVIDIA website and download the appropriate GRID vGPU driver package for your Linux distribution and GRID card version. Make sure to choose the correct architecture (x86_64 or aarch64) and driver type (runfile or full installer).
  • Transfer the downloaded driver package to your Manjaro guest using a method appropriate for your virtual environment (e.g., shared folder, file upload).
  • Install the nvidia-smi to check GPU info :
sudo pacman -S nvidia-smi
  • Install NVIDIA GRID vGPU Drivers:

Run the installer script (adjust the command based on the downloaded file type):

chmod +x ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-535.129.03-grid.run
  • Full installer:
sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-535.129.03-grid.run
  • Important: Replace <version> with the actual driver version you downloaded.
  • During installation, accept any license agreements if prompted.
  • Verify Installation:

After installation, check if the NVIDIA GPU is recognized by running:



Whether you’re a data scientist, a graphics designer, or simply someone who needs more graphical power, installing NVIDIA GRID vGPUs on your Manjaro guest can be a game-changer. Customize your virtual environment to meet your specific needs, and leverage the newfound power to achieve your goals. Remember, this guide is just the beginning — the possibilities are endless!

