What is the worst Thanksgiving dish you’ve ever had?

Amanda Arpin
1 min readMar 20, 2016


Fucking cranberries.

It doesn’t matter what the year is, Thanksgiving in my family calls for cranberries as a staple. The deep crimson jelly wiggles as they slide it out of the cans, and I feel my insides quiver and dance with it. I hate cranberries.

I remember feeling jealous when I was younger of all the slick, sexy women in NYC on TV that would order vodka with cranberry juice. That dream died the second cranberries touched my lips. I remember the first time I got a UTI, feeling like I was diagnosed with a terrible prognosis because it demanded I drink the devil juice. It’s pretty serious. I really don’t like cranberries.

I hate cranberries so much that I had to sit back and run through a list of everything I normally eat at Thanksgiving. It doesn’t really include any of my favorites, so the holiday serves more for me as a chance to eat gluttonously and guilt-free rather than actually enjoying it. I kinda fuck with stuffing sometimes, but for the most part, I don’t tend to eat much Thanksgiving food outside of the holiday. But without a doubt, no contest, cranberries takes the cake.

Minute Maid CranAppleGrape is my shit though. It’s my favorite juice.

This is part of the 642 Things to Write About challenge. Read the previous entry here.

This is prompt #2. Click the heart if you wanna make me smile, and follow me if you want to see more from this challenge.



Amanda Arpin

A blog about being reinventing myself at the age of 24. Also sometimes about learning how to code and all of my struggles with it.