Some of the unique features of ghee clarified butter

2 min readOct 8, 2021


Just a few years back, ghee in the diet was taboo for its high content of fat. But the notion has changed now as people all over the world are realizing the unique clarified butter benefits. Ghee or clarified butter is the pure butterfat that derives from simmering milk butter. So let’s discuss the reasons behind the amazing ghee benefits.

clarified butter benefits
  • According to experts, ghee contains enough amounts of butyric acid, a type of short-chain fatty acid that is responsible for the natural detoxification of the body and improved digestion power.
  • Ghee in the diet increases the amount of good cholesterol or HDL. It also controls the harmful LDL cholesterol level which supports maintaining a healthy heart. Cholesterol in ghee is not a matter of concern when in moderation.
clarified butter benefits
  • Grass-fed cow ghee is a reliable source of vitamin A, D, E, and K2 which aids in the better absorption of nutrients in the body.
  • Clarified butter benefits also include the boost of the immune system. Healthy essential fats play a crucial role in maintaining gut health and reducing cellular inflammation.
  • The conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), omega-3 fatty acid, butyric acid, etc present in ghee aids in faster weight loss. It’s important to mention that one should maintain an active lifestyle to balance the ghee diet.

