Telegram Bot for Cricket Scores

Ajay Balakumaran
2 min readFeb 19, 2019



Even though Football has a large number of fans across the world, Cricket stands next to Football with more number of fan base. India is a country where cricketers are worshipped.

The craze over cricket makes us stop our activity for a while when our star cricketers hit our favorite short. That craze doesn’t stop there, it continues everywhere. While working or chatting with people over a messenger application too. We used to install an application such as Cricbuzz or Cricinfo to update yourself with the live scores.


Cricket Bot

This Cricket Bot which is deployed in Telegram application will allow us to get the details of the live scores of the live matches going across the world.

Guide to use

Start the Bot

Start the Bot
  • Once we started chatting with the Cricket bot by sending /start or press the START button it will start fetching the ongoing live matches and it will send us the details.
  • We can select the required match.
  • Then bot will look into the API and it will throw us the details of the match which we have selected.

Example 1

Live cricket score details for the match we selected

Example 2

This bot has been developed with Python 3 and Telebot API



Ajay Balakumaran

Developer | Data Analyst | Avid learner | Crossfit Athlete | Percussionist | Dancer | Fitness Enthusiast