How to restore deleted Azure Web App + Contents

Ajayi Adesola Grace
3 min readJun 13, 2020
An image with delete icon

We accidentally deleted an azure web app and needed to find a way to recover it plus the contents and configuration. In other words, we needed the web app back exactly as it was before deletion.

The only available option for web app recovery as of this writing is through Azure CLI and not yet on GUI(Azure portal).

N.B You can only recover web apps deleted in the last 30 days

Step One: — Open Azure CLI to run az webapp deleted commands

az webapp deleted list [ — name]
[ — resource-group]
[ — slot]
[ — subscription]

Run the az webapp deleted list — output table to list out all deleted web apps in your default subscription and for all resource groups.

Recover deleted azure web app

Run az webapp deleted list — name deletedappservicename to find a specific app service. Note the id as it would be used to uniquely identify the app and restore it. The id also comes in handy if you have deleted apps in the same subscription/resource group with the same name

Recover deleted azure web app

Step Two: — Create a web app to restore the app service to.

Sign in to azure portal, create a web app with same name as the deleted app service. For example, the deleted app had a URL of, so create a webapp with a name that matches same if it’s still available.

Recover deleted azure web app

Note that a Web app cannot be restored to an API app and it’s important to create an app closely matches what you are trying to restore.

Step Three:

Open azure CLI and Run az webapp deleted restore command

az webapp deleted restore — deleted-id
[ — ids]
[ — name]
[ — resource-group]
[ — restore-content-only]
[ — slot]
[ — subscription]

you can specify the slot to restore with the [ — slot] flag and also to restore the web app contents only without the configurations with the [ — restore-content-only] flag.

Ensure to save the deleted app id copied from Step one

Run the command below to restore the app service to the web app created in Step 2 above plus contents and configuration.

az webapp deleted restore — deleted-id — resource-group — name

Recover deleted azure web app

I got a number of errors while restoring one of which was because Web app recovery requires Basic SKU and the app was on the Free SKU. Be sure to check the activity logs of the app, if you encounter errors while restoring.

Recover deleted azure web app

I hope this article helps :)

Thank you!



Ajayi Adesola Grace

Devops engineer. Articulating moments in life with words.