The Benefit of Glycolic Acid

6 min readJan 20, 2024


A chemical exfoliant called glycolic acid dissolves dead skin cells and oils from a person’s skin. Moreover, glycolic acid may improve skin hydration and increase the formation of collagen.

The top layer of skin cells may be removed using glycolic acid without scraping, which can irritate the skin. Additionally, it helps in the treatment of obvious symptoms of age, such as hyperpigmentation and acne.

Like all chemical exfoliants, glycolic acid may cause skin irritation or injury if used improperly, too often, or at a concentration that is too high.

Certain fruits, beets, and sugarcane all naturally contain the chemical glycolic acid. It is colorless and odorless in its purest state. Glycolic acid is a substance that the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries use in topical treatments to treat skin disorders or to enhance the texture and look of skin.

Rather than coming from natural sources, the acid used by cosmetic businesses typically comes from laboratories. Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) are a class of acids that includes glycolic acid. AHAs are often found as components in skin care goods.

Other forms of AHA include lactic acid, which is found in milk; citric acid, which is found in citrus fruits; and malic acid, which is found in apples.

Because glycolic acid has the smallest molecular structure among them, it probably penetrates the skin more deeply.

characteristics of glycolic acid

Glycolic acid has the following qualities:

Glycolic acid dissolves oil and the outermost layer of skin cells to act as a chemical exfoliator. Unlike face scrubs and brushes, which are mechanical exfoliants, glycolic acid does not need vigorous scrubbing.

Humectant: Another humectant that draws and binds water to skin cells is glycolic acid. It does this by boosting the production of molecules called glycosaminoglycans, which pull water into the skin.

Antibacterial: Glycolic acid has the ability to stop the development of germs at certain doses.

Anti-aging: Glycolic acid may lessen a few of the mechanisms responsible for the outward manifestations of skin aging. For instance, it may improve the skin’s hyaluronic acid and collagen levels while lowering UV damage. These elements provide structure and flexibility for the skin.

Glycolic acid benefits for the skin


the results of a 70% glycolic acid peel on 80 female acne sufferers. According to the study, it significantly reduced the severity of all forms of acne, especially comedonal acne, which is caused by blocked pores with dead skin cells and oil.

It should nevertheless be noted that this particular strength of glycolic acid is limited to chemical peels. Glycolic acid products sold over-the-counter (OTC) are not very potent.

ultraviolet damage

UV radiation exposure may harm the skin. Among the obvious indicators of this are:

hyperpigmentation wrinkles sunspots

Skin damage from the sun may be effectively treated with glycolic acid. Due to its ability to shield the skin from UVB radiation, glycolic acid may help avoid photoaging.

wrinkles and lines

The skin becomes less elastic and plump with age. Wrinkles and fine lines may consequently appear. This is a normal procedure that doesn’t always need medical attention. However, glycolic acid could be helpful for individuals who decide to use it.

It increases hyaluronic acid levels in the skin, which helps to keep it hydrated; promotes the skin’s primary structural protein, collagen; and speeds up the proliferation of fibroblasts and keratinocytes, all of which contribute to skin repair and regeneration.

enhances elastin quality, which encourages skin elasticity


Small, hard growths on the skin, called warts, are caused by viruses.

the efficiency of a gel on twenty individuals with warts that included 15% glycolic acid and 2% salicylic acid. The study discovered that the gel functioned very effectively.

Glycolic acid risks

Every chemical exfoliant has certain dangers. Among them are the following:

ultraviolet damage

AHAs could lessen sun damage indicators. AHAs do, however, also remove the skin’s outermost layer, making the cells underneath more susceptible to more UV damage.

Because of this, it’s important to use sunscreen every day before going outdoors and for a week after quitting the use of glycolic acid. Additionally, one must stay away from tanning beds.


Products containing glycolic acid may cause responses in some individuals. They might feel things like burning, swelling, itching, redness, or inflammation.

Burning sensations are not indicative of the product’s effectiveness. If any of the aforementioned things happen, wash the product off and stop using it.

These effects might also appear if someone uses too much or frequent glycolic acid or applies it close to their eyes.

Rinse eyes quickly under clean running water if glycolic acid gets in them.


One useful component for lessening hyperpigmentation is glycolic acid.

However, hyperpigmentation may also result from harsh or irritating skin care products. Using moderate, non-irritating exfoliants is particularly beneficial for those who are prone to hyperpigmentation.

How to choose a product with glycolic acid

The outcomes one wishes to get will determine how they choose a glycolic acid product.

Glycolic acid is available to the public in many different forms, such as:


makeup removers or mists

exfoliants in liquid form



therapies for acne

at-home peels or face masks

On the other hand, since the leave-on composition gives the acid more time to do its job, these products usually provide the greatest results.

Those who have never used glycolic acid previously want to seek out products with a low glycolic acid concentration—roughly 8%. This will let them, if they so desire, begin with a less effective option and work their way up.

Not too acidic of a pH is another good thing to check for. The pH of the majority of over-the-counter products is around 4, which is not much higher than the pH of the skin. Should the product’s concentration or pH not be specified, the manufacturer may be able to provide the details.

Glycolic Acid Use

It’s crucial to see a dermatologist or other healthcare provider before using glycolic acid, especially if the patient has a persistent skin issue.

Not everyone is a good candidate for glycolic acid. A medical expert may provide guidance on the suitability of the product for an individual. Furthermore, it’s crucial to postpone using glycolic acid on any injured or sunburned skin until the region has healed.

When someone is prepared to experiment with glycolic acid, they need to undertake the following:

Conduct a patch test: On a tiny patch of skin that is not on the face, try the product. In this manner, the skin’s tolerance to it may be determined. If there are no symptoms, apply it to your face.

Start slowly. It’s advisable to use glycolic acid sparingly initially and at a low strength. A user may gradually increase their usage of the product according to the directions on the label if their skin feels smoother and exhibits no symptoms of an adverse reaction. Never take it more often than recommended by a doctor or on the label.

Select a single item: Using a whole range of glycolic acid-containing skin care products is not necessary. It just takes one product to get the rewards. Another way to assess whether a new product is effective is to introduce it one at a time.

Apply at night: Since glycolic acid raises the possibility of sunburn, some people would rather apply it at night.

Apply sunscreen: When using AHAs, always apply sunscreen as the last step in the procedure before venturing outdoors. The FDA recommends using sunscreen every day while undergoing therapy and for at least a week thereafter.

To summarize, several plants naturally contain glycolic acid, a chemical exfoliator. Although glycolic acid from laboratories is often used by the cosmetic industry, it is included in many skin care products and treatments. This substance contains moisturizing, anti-aging, and exfoliating qualities. It raises the concentration of compounds that support collagen synthesis and skin regeneration. To prevent negative consequences, it is crucial to utilize it appropriately.

A person should speak with a doctor before using any glycolic acid-containing product. Starting cautiously and wearing sunscreen outside is advised, both during and for a while after the therapy.

