SoundHound AI Teams Up with Perplexity to Boost Voice Assistant Capabilities

1 min readMay 12, 2024


Exciting news alert: SoundHound AI just joined forces with Perplexity to supercharge their voice assistants in cars and other gadgets.

Here’s the scoop:

What’s Going Down?

  • SoundHound’s smart Chat AI is already all over the place, from car assistants to restaurant order systems, and even on your phone, apps, and TVs.
  • Now, with Perplexity’s brainy answer-engine AI onboard, SoundHound’s assistant is gearing up to give even better answers and tackle trickier questions.
  • Plus, with Perplexity’s web skills, the assistant can keep you up-to-date on stuff like gas prices, making sure you’re headed to the cheapest pump around.

Why It’s a Big Deal

  • While AI is getting smarter by the day, it hasn’t fully taken over our gadgets just yet. But with this new partnership, SoundHound and Perplexity could be paving the way for some serious AI improvements in your car, apps, and phone helpers.




All things AI ,ML ,Neural Network ,Deep learning ,QC ,for the AGI ,for the people.