Was Jesus Born On Christmas Day?

Ajay Rawat
2 min readAug 9, 2021


When Was Jesus Born

Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity, was born on December 25. The word Christmas is derived from the word Christes Maise or ‘Christ’s Mass.’

It is estimated that the first Christmas was celebrated in Rome in 336 AD. To commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ the Lord, it is observed worldwide on December 25.

Answer From Scripture

There is no specific date given in the Bible for the birth of Jesus Christ, as can be seen from the books below:

“The exact date of Christ’s birth is unknown.” –The New Catholic Encyclopedia.

“The day on which Christ was born is not known.”–Encyclopedia of Early Christianity.

The Bible doesn’t directly address the question of “when was Jesus born.” It does provide details about two events that took place at the time Jesus was born. It can be seen that he wasn’t born on December 25.

Not In The Winter Season

Enrollment. Shortly before Jesus’ birth, Emperor Augustus issued a decree that “all the people of his kingdom should enrol themselves.”

All people had to enrol in “their city,” which meant that they might have to travel a week or more. (Luke 2:1–3) This decree was probably issued to collect taxes and enlist people in the army.

According to this decree, people did not like to work, no matter what time of year it was. If he had been sent to enrol, especially in the cold season, he would have gotten even angrier at the emperor, as many had to travel long distances in the cold. For this reason, it is unlikely that Augustus forced people to enrol in the cold winter.

Sheep. The shepherds were “staying in the fields and guarding their flocks at night.” (Luke 2:8) The book Daily Life in the Time of Jesus says that “a week before the Passover,” that is, from about mid-March to mid-November, flocks of sheep lived in the open field.

According to the book, they also lived in the winter. This shows that Christmas as we know it is not the correct date. It is written in the Gospels (Matthew Mark, Luke, Luke, John) that shepherds were in the fields with their flocks.

In Early Fall

Jesus died in the spring of 33 CECE, on Nisan 14, the Passover. If we count backwards from this date, we can estimate when he may have been born.

(John 19:14–26) Jesus was about 30 years old when he began his three-and-a-half-year preaching work. So he must have been born at the beginning of the autumn season on 2 BCE.–Luke 3:23….For more information visit ashokstambh.com

