Historical Events on 24th October

Ajay Singh Sajwan
2 min readOct 24, 2023


on this day in 1901

Annie Edson Taylor became the first person to survive a trip over Niagara Falls in a barrel. She accomplished this daring feat on her 63rd birthday.

Annie Edson Taylor’s journey over Niagara Falls in a barrel is a remarkable and daring event in the history of daredevil stunts. On October 24, 1901, her 63rd birthday, she became the first person to successfully survive a trip over Niagara Falls in a barrel. Here are some key details about this historic feat:

  1. Motivation: Annie Edson Taylor was a schoolteacher from Bay City, Michigan, who was inspired by stories of others who had attempted to conquer Niagara Falls. She embarked on this dangerous journey in the hope of gaining fame and financial security.
  2. The Barrel: Taylor used a custom-made wooden barrel with cushions inside to protect herself during the fall. She also used a harness to secure herself within the barrel.
  3. The Descent: On the fateful day, Taylor’s barrel was released into the Niagara River from a boat near the American side of the falls. She went over the Horseshoe Falls, the largest and most famous of the three falls at Niagara. The descent took about 20 minutes.
  4. Survival: Despite the immense risk and the powerful force of the falls, Annie Edson Taylor survived the plunge. Her barrel was found near the base of the falls, and she was extracted from it with only minor injuries.
  5. Publicity and Fame: Taylor’s stunt garnered significant attention, making her a well-known figure. She hoped to capitalize on her fame, but financial success was not guaranteed.

Annie Edson Taylor’s daring feat over Niagara Falls remains a testament to human courage and determination. While it brought her some recognition, she struggled with financial difficulties in the aftermath. Her story is a reminder of the incredible risks people have taken in pursuit of adventure and notoriety throughout history.



Ajay Singh Sajwan

In the digi age, writing has found new mediums, including blogs, social media, & e-books. Tech has expanded the reach of writing, enabling instant globally comm