Paul George Now, Worry Later

Austin Chandler
2 min readAug 7, 2017

In a time of drought, even a drop of water can mean the world. Similarly, in the NBA offseason and particularly in August, even the most meaningless news can sound exciting and fun whereas during the season it would pass without a moment’s care. It’s like the Finals is the peak of a monsoon, and then the water stops for months.

Kyrie Irving’s blockbuster request to leave the Cavaliers creates erroneous rumors, often just to fill space. Carmelo Anthony might waive his trade clause for a certain team and the internet explodes. Paul George says he likes Oklahoma City upon arrival, and the minds of every Thunder fan in the state fill with a mixture of joy and fear. Joy that the new star on the block might not want to go so soon; fear of his potential departure, of what has only recently cut so deep.

But maybe instead of either emotion, we should let our mouths water at the present. Let’s bask in the wisdom of the famed Bill Watterson; “We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are.”

It’s likely Paul George does indeed leave his new home after only a brief stay. Even worse, Russell Westbrook could depart too if he decides not to sign an extension. I don’t want either of those things to happen, but I know they could. Being aware of the possible is my own way of bracing for anything.

But instead of spending the 2017–2018 season focusing on the possible, I recommend enjoying the high-flying, beautiful basketball which very probably will be played before our eyes. After watching Russ go absolutely wild last year, we now get to see yet another pair of superstars playing side by side, learning new tricks, running new plays, alongside new faces and our old favorites. Some fanbases go their entire lives without seeing a star like Russ or PG13 on their team, let alone two at once.

We’re not guaranteed anything about what will happen, but for now, I’m going to sit back, breathe and get ready to watch what does happen.

