Keep your work stuff

If you’re like me, you’re progressing through your career with a box of published work, old notebooks and presenters snuck out of ex-offices.

Andrew Donaghy
1 min readAug 8, 2016

After eight years and three job changes, my big plastic dust collector is full and I don’t know what to do with it.

Part of me just wants to ditch its contents in the public bin outside. But something tells me this is priceless shit and I shouldn’t. So I don’t. I throw out the obvious and make neat piles of stuff I may never look at again.

I want to keep its contents because it reminds me of the hundreds of projects I’ve been a part of, some of which went really well and others that…really didn’t.

This box under my desk is my go to, my just in case, my insurance policy, ego boost and hold on, I’ve done something like this BEFORRRRE…I knew it!

So keep your work stuff, or at least enough to fit in a plastic box. It might just turn out to be buried treasure.

