7 Nuts and Seeds that Aid Weight Loss

Ajebo Spice
5 min readAug 19, 2020


Assorted Nuts

Nuts lovers, get in here!!!

A few years ago, I decided to take on a new diet for weight loss, of course. But I also decided to add nuts to my diet for snacking. I discovered that snacking on carrots and cucumbers were leaving me more hungry than it was supposed to so I decided to try something different.

Prior to this, I was used to having only groundnut and cashew nuts but little did I know that there are more nuts out there that are more healthy for my diet. So, I jumped on the internet and started reading about other types of nuts and seeds and their health benefits.

Don’t get confused. Nuts and seeds in its entirety are a great source of healthy calories, fats and oil and fibre. Pretty much the best nutrients your body needs. When you eat nuts, you feel energised and less hungry for a period of time. It also subdues your sugar intake thereby leaving little or no room for diabetes.


Almond Nuts

I’ve heard nutritionists say that a person needs only about 7–8 almond seeds at breakfast and up to 10 seeds a day. Also, for every 3 almond nuts you have, it breaks down a certain amount of fat in your body (not quite sure the amount specifically).

Almonds are rich in fibre and protein which helps to curb hunger in your body in turn, aiding weight loss.

They can be enjoyed raw, toasted, as milk, butter and so on.



I very shamelessly add walnuts to my salad when I have some because, why not the double treat?
Walnuts are easy to chew, they are light weighted and totally deserving of more recognition.

It is rich in fibre and of course, promotes weight loss. Once an edible item is rich in fibre, rest assured that it will promote weight loss because it fills you and keeps you less hungry for a longer period of time.


Photo credit: Yulia Sam

Once, I had sneakers with hazel nuts in it as against the regular peanuts and I totally loved it. I love anything that has to do with Hazel nuts; chocolates, latte, you name it. This is the next best thing after walnuts to me though.

Hazel nuts like other nuts, aids digestion, is rich in fibre and is a great source of vitamins.

I recommend a mixed nuts treat every other time. You tend to enjoy the flavours and nutrients from all the different nuts at once.

More so, having nuts in moderation is key because as we know, they are also very high in calories and this is because most nuts produce oils.


Cashew nuts

Cashew nuts stands a chance of winning popularity in most countries I suppose (after peanuts anyway).

This nut increases your immune system, keeps your heart healthy, maintains your skin texture while building stronger bones.

Cashew nut is rich in antioxidant and I’m sure we know by now that it is gotten from the famous cashew fruit. The seeds of cashew fruits are used to produce the cashew nuts.

Great for snacking at any time of day!


Fresh Coconut

Coconuts are popular not just for their drupes but also for other products it produces. Coconut oil is one of the healthiest oils to use in cooking and even to keep your skin smooth and without blemish.

From the water to the shell, coconuts are highly versatile and is amazingly filled with antioxidant, fibre, iron and of course, calories.

Snacking on bits of coconuts can be really tough to chew but it will keep you highly busy and way sated than certain meals at all.

As a Nigerian, I’ve learnt to eat coconut with boiled corn and I tell you what, this is an entire meal on its own.



Never ever have I ever tried having Chia seeds but I hear it’s great as pudding. I am a sucker for trying new things and I’m certain I will try this someday but I’ve not been absolutely keen on it yet.

I highly recommend having a Chia pudding for breakfast or dinner if you are on a weight loss journey.

The pudding can be made by mixing half cup of Chia seeds in a glass of almond milk and laying to rest for up to 8 hours. When it is set, add your desired chopped fruits or sweetener and enjoy. You’re welcome!


Photo Credit: Heirloom Gardener

What I discovered from eating up to 4 pieces of sesame seed biscuits in a day in the last few weeks was that it aids metabolism. I ate it so much that my body system got used to being regulated properly.

The seeds are small in sizes, slightly bigger than a mustard seed and many people use it for cake, biscuit, toast on bread, sprinkle on grilled chicken, etc.

Sesame seeds are high in calories, protein and fibre and are great for snacking.

It is advisable to not give children nuts and seeds because they have higher tendencies of having allergies for one. Secondly, these seeds and nuts are small in size and usually tough in nature therefore, kids can swallow them without chewing them first, causing indigestion.

However as adults, nuts are good for your system in any and every way except in cases where the adult has allergies.

Nuts and seeds are generally gluten free and are mostly all natural in other words, promoting healthy living. I definitely recommend!

