100 days to go…

A Jenifer
2 min readMar 10, 2017


Many here say that you should have the growth minded mindset, believe in your hard work and abilities, be patiently focused and never be bogged down by setbacks.

Though I don’t have something great to add on, but after all these months in here and after hearing so many interviews, all that have exactly gone inside me is that only His will and purpose for a person prevails.
Among all these millions of aspirants, recommending only a thousand by calling them ‘the brilliant minds’ just doesn’t do justice to all those humans who give up on everything for years preparing and developing themselves to be become better administers. Though there are a few, who just come in for the heck of it but the large crowd isn’t for that, they all want to serve the nation with all that they have and be fruitful to their motherland. But by the end not everyone is reaching there. It is a place for few, the chosen few.

And so do I believe that how much ever hard work you put in, if only God wants you there do you reach there. But, yes for sure! God helps only those who helps themselves. So you need to work hard and give all that you have and can, and then leave it to Him for His purpose to prevail.

Only with this belief do I once again continue working with my last 100 days left, and only with this faith do I once again believe that He will be faithful to me…

