The Disrupter-in-Chief

Donald Trump’s Behavior during the Debate Was the Mark of a Desperate Man. But Should Biden Pull Out of Future Debates?

Andrew Jazprose Hill
Curated Newsletters


“Donald Trump — Caricature” by DonkeyHotey is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Who would have thought that a presidential debate held during prime time on every major news outlet in the nation would prove to be unsuitable for children?

And yet, that’s what Americans witnessed on Tuesday night during the first of three scheduled debates between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

It would be wrong to say that the debate descended into chaos without also stating unequivocally that the source of that chaos was the current occupant of the Oval Office. This was not a debate, it was a debacle.

Trump’s numerous disruptions and overt rudeness provided only one example for school-age viewers hoping to learn something about civics and the electoral process. That lesson was in how not to behave, what not to be.

In the days leading up to the debate, pundits claimed that the winner of the debate would be determined not by facts but by perceived dominance. That seemed to be the president’s objective throughout. To show himself off as alpha male. Instead, he came across more like alpha dog.

His conduct demonstrated that he cares nothing for the rule of civility. Which should come…



Andrew Jazprose Hill
Curated Newsletters

I write about Art, Culture, and Race through the mindful lens of memoir. You can also find me in The Jazprose Diaries and in The Fiction Fix on Substack.