The Importance of Finding Your Tribe

6 min readOct 8, 2022

It was at a bible study almost seven years ago that I heard this statement that ‘People are in your life for a reason and for a season’ . It’s up to us to figure out who’s in our lives and what purpose they are designated to serve. When I talk about ‘tribe’, I am referring to the importance of developing an environment and friendships that are purposeful. We may have heard someone, likely a parent, say ‘Show me your friends and I will show you who you are’ and even the bible says that;

“Bad company corrupts good character” 1 Corinthians 15:33 (NIV)

The people around us are very vital to our growth and to who we become. These are the people we allow to sow into our lives and they influence us whether we like it or not.

Photo by Ganta Srinivas

When God wants to bless us he may introduce someone new into your lives, to bring a new perspective and to broaden our insight to inspire us. It may be difficult to trust people and let them into our lives and divulge our inner struggles to an outsider. But God made us for fellowship right? And would it not be considered a sin for us to forsake the fellowship of fellow believers. Sometimes we even need to ask ourselves all the “lone soldier” tactics we may have employed thus far what has been the profit? Has there been any tangible improvement in our lives? I used to pride myself on my lone soldier tactics and my…




A rehab scientist that blogs about self development and all things adulting! ~ Writer | Researcher | Communicator #AGirlOnAMission