4 Remarkably Powerful Mindset Traits Successful People Share

Ajit Nawalkha
4 min readApr 6, 2017


Success is a mind game. If you don’t believe this, take a look around.

There are a whole lot of people who have extraordinary talent, passion and mad skills but they aren’t killing it in business or winning in the game of life. Do you know a gifted web designer or coach who’s barely making ends meet?

Maybe you’re friends with an incredibly smart and driven entrepreneur who can’t pay the rent. Maybe that talented but not very successful person is you. You could be thinking, “I know I have the skills to succeed but I have no idea how I’m going to pay the bills this month.”

When it comes to rising to the top, talent, skills, and passion are just part of the game plan. The rest? It’s all about your mindset.

Here are 4 of the most powerful mindset traits successful people share. Check them out. Then play up the ones you have and work on the ones you don’t.

Success Mindset Trait #1: Start. And Then Finish

You’re all set to achieve your goals. You’re driven and you’re geared up. You don’t mind doing the work to get there. In fact you’re looking forward to it.

So, when exciting projects and collaborations enter your radar, you say yes…to all of them. You think being successful is about having a bunch of amazing projects going at the same time. I hate to be the one to tell you this but that’s not true.

Truly successful people are very careful about choosing the projects they’re going to work on. Their main focus is to follow through and finish what they start. No matter how good the project, no matter how great the idea, you won’t see results or massive forward movement in your life and business if you never finish what you start.

Remember: going all out for one or two good projects beats going halfway on a hundred great projects. Always.

Success Mindset Trait #2: Go for Growth

In her book “Mindset: Changing the Way You Think to Fulfil Your Potential”, Stanford University Psychologist Dr. Carol S. Dweck explains that successful people have a growth mindset.

A growth mindset arises from the belief that achieving success is about continuous, consistent improvement. If you have a growth mindset you see success as a journey rather than a destination. This means you’re always open to learning and improving until you achieve your goals.

Successful people have a growth mindset and they’re happy to keep trying until they get what they want. They’re willing to try all kinds of strategies and techniques because they know they’ll eventually get them where they want to go… And they’re right.

Success Mindset Trait #3: Develop Positive Inner Beliefs

This one’s about checking your negative beliefs at the door. You need to believe you can succeed before you do because your beliefs influence your outer behaviours and actions.

When you have a strong belief in your ability to succeed, you’ll naturally direct your focus toward solutions rather than problems. If your beliefs about yourself and your ability to hit your goals are negative, it’s almost impossible to achieve what you set out to do.

Even if you manage to get to your goal, the road to success will be a very steep all-uphill climb. Every win will feel like a hard won war. Every obstacle will feel insurmountable. Most people give up long before they get to the top.

Successful people avoid this pitfall because they can take forward actions that are consistent with their positive inner beliefs. They’re able to get up off the couch and take the right actions that help them become super achievers. Those who don’t believe they can handle obstacles won’t even try. They lose even before the game begins.

Success Mindset Trait #4: Accept Yourself

Successful people understand who they are. They know their goals and dreams inside and out. They know their values, their skills and their abilities. They are also incredibly clear about their weaknesses. They don’t try to be amazing at everything and they don’t try to be someone they’re not.

If you can’t stand parties and networking events, maybe staying at home and connecting via online events might be best for you. If you know you can’t navigate the uncertainty of entrepreneurship, maybe work for someone you like and trust that it’s the path which will bring you the most joy and fulfilment.

High achievers never forget that their mindset is where it’s at when it comes to achieving ongoing success.

When you make an effort to work on your mindset, all your other incredible personality traits and skills will come together to propel you to your destination.

And the added benefit? You’ll have a lot more fun getting there.

I originally published this article on my Linkedin profile. If you liked it, go ahead and like it on Medium, share it on Facebook, and follow me!



Ajit Nawalkha

Co-Founder of Evercoach, Mindvalley Teach, Global Grit Institute. Author of The Book of Coaching and Live Big.